How do I reduce fatigue in races over 3hrs?


May be just a matter of getting used to spending longer times on the bike, once a week will do. Its an opportunity to become familiar how you feel after a few hours. Recognise how your form is at the end. Has your positioned changed? How weather changes affects you, hunching or becoming slack in your torso? Pressure points etc etc.

awesome! let us know how it goes!

Brendan - EVOQ.BIKE

150km ride this weekend. I was able to finish strong. It was a continuous effort, there were stops. Overall IF was at 0.75. So not really race conditions.

I tried to pace all of the climbs at around FTP, in reality they ended up averaging 85-90% FTP. If I aim a bit higher, I should get closer to FTP.

I was more disciplined with nutrition. No expired gels. No dirty bottles. No gastric distress. Easily hit least 60g of carbs each hour.

Race is a week away.

awesome, good luck! start a little taper and get those openers in before the race; you’ll be ready to go!

Brendan - EVOQ.BIKE

The answer to my own question is simply to do a few rides over 3hrs. My race on Sunday ended up with a fairly even level of intensity with a slight drop by a few watts in the second half, but not by much. And it can be explained by the fact that I soloed the 2nd half, I find it much more taxing to pace myself rather than ride at the pace everyone else is going.

Keep your carb intake at the max of 90-100 grams per hour. This keeps me “fresh” for longer. No climbing to be honest but slot of mid tempo to low sweet spot work in those rides.

Hope I helps.