How do I KNOW that PowerMatch is working correctly?

I’ve begun to question whether or not PowerMatch is working as intended at times and wondered, short of recording two data streams on two devices, is there any way to verify that PowerMatch is working correctly?

In my case power match floats around too much for my liking. I would think that if it remains fairly steady as you pedal then it’s doing it’s job.
I guess if you’re meeting your interval targets as recorded by the trainer it just works.

For the record I’m using a left only meter and run a MTB. For me that messes with the smoothness of my pedalling as recorded by the Stages.
If I drop into the 10 tooth on the rear and spin up the flywheel things settle down in that regard.

Even with the above setup I have recorded loads of data on two devices in power match. The averages are exceptionally close. Even with the jumpiness on the screen.

not sure what this would achieve?

is the problem that you think TR is using the power reading from your trainer rather than your external power meter? just look at your completed workouts and it should tell you under ‘power source’ what you were using.

otherwise, as @Rosscopeco says above, if the resistance is being adjusted such that you are reaching the intended power values (and it remains steady at a steady cadence) then it is working. not much more to it.

Yes, I suspect that at times TR is not actually using the PM to adjust the resistance on the trainer. I’m aware that TR shows the power source after the ride is uploaded, but how can I verify that the power source listed was actually used to adjust resistance? I would expect that if data was recorded from both the PM and trainer on separate devices, the PM would more closely track with target power, no?

yeah, i guess you could do that and it would tell you for sure.

what is it that makes you question it’s not working correctly in the first place?

I used to feel the same way, but now use Powermatch 99% of the time. I also have my MTB on the trainer. I figured since I ride/race XCO and Ultras a little fluctuating of power should be welcomed as it adds to a more realistic experience and likely better translation to the trail.

Your power meter isn’t left only right? I wish I’d paid up to begin with.
Seriously, if I remove one hand from the bars the reading totally changes. The other hand shifts the weight again and totally throws the numbers out.
It’s a real problem when using power match for me.

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