High volume plan

Just wanted to post some results, as I completed the SSBHV1 6 week block and tested at start of SSBHV2 today.

I saw a 9.7% increase through the plan going from 299 to 328W (29W). I think some of those came from the fact that I didn’t have any experience with the step test the first time and so I didn’t know what it would be like, etc. 2nd time around I had a target to beat and was extremely focused on that.

The SSBHV plan was great. I basically did every workout except for 3 which were replaced with MTB rides at same hours and estimated TSS as plan. In the 4th week I reduced my FTP by 5% to adjust to altitude (I live at sea level and was on vacation at 4500ft) and then returned it when I came back home. In general all my weekly TSS was at or above the target.

Towards the end of the plan I was seeing a 10 BPM decrease at sweet spot power and in the end the 2hr workouts with 90min sweet spot work in them were achieved with no real HR drift. I also noticed during the recovery week that power at what I would consider Z2 HR was about 20W higher than before.

In all, I consider the plan worth it. I’m looking forward to SSBHV2 and trying not to psych myself out that sweet spot watts are going to be 20 or 30 watts higher now!