Help! I'm stuck

response to training is individual, so it is hard to answer and also difficult without looking at the bigger picture. Making week3 a big overload week was an interesting decision.

FWIW when I did SSB-1 HV it kicked off a new season of training and first time training indoors. Started at 236W FTP and finished at 247W for a 4.7% increase. Not too surprising as:

  • the previous season my FTP was in 255-280 range
  • I had taken a 4 week break before starting SSB-1

Always hard to draw parallels to someone else, and I think you need to look at bigger picture. Just ‘putting in all this work’ isn’t the best way to think about it, instead it is often about how that work fits into the big picture (timing is everything) and how you respond to training.

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