Fueling on workouts/activities on Z1 and Z2 (VT1)

With low carb you really have to aim for less than 30g/day anything above that hinders adaptation.

Personally I’ve never liked carbs anyway and for me not having to worry about bonking or getting cavities is such a relief…

Good article.
I’ve never heard the 20-30% the kilojoules of work thing! at least has a rational.
Thank you,

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Consider some factors like, your training the day before, your nutrition during and post training the day before, the duration of your proposed Z1/2/3 workout to be undertaken, your post workout nutrition and general lifestyle eating, what training you have coming tomorrow.

Generally, a 60 minute activity can go by without any fueling due to stored glycogen stores (dependent if they are replenished or not from previous day/s training), include a small amount of fueling if going up to 90 minutes, any longer, fuel to your normal strategy.

Fueling is two fold in that one, it’s done for the present activity with relation to duration, and two, it’s done for the training load ahead. Be mindful that todays effort can be compromised by yesterday’s poor fueling.

Trainingsverpflegung-Rechner - Coach Dave here is a calculator that works well for me


My understanding is that your body can only absorb that 60g-90g per hour. So that’s what I target. 1 hour ride I won’t worry much and likely just drink water and not eat. 2 hour ride I may take in a gel and/or sports drink. Anything longer than that I shoot for that 60g-90g per hour and somewhere around 300 calories per hour. The longer the ride the more importance I put on keeping on top of that fueling.

The most helpful advice I have heard for cycling nutrition is to listen to your body. It will let you know what it needs if your hungry after a session and your recovery food didn’t satisfy your hunger you didn’t refuel appropriately. After trying many recovery fuels the one that works the best for me is chocolate milk. When I drink that after a training session my hunger is satisfied for around an hour. Nothing I have tried is as satisfying. Same for fueling during efforts, I find what’s satisfying to eat. I try to give my body what I think it wants and see how it reacts. The more information you can get from your body the better choices you can make.

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