Effect of alcohol reduction on calorie intake and hunger

Pregnant partner here too, agreed to do January 1 to birth (due feb 7) dry with her.

I’d been more wine than beer lately and I have an issue of drinking what is in front of me not to thirst. So the biggest thing I notice anytime we do dry january is I hydrate better since I’ll fill a 32oz mason jar with water/lemon/lime and finish that in the time I’d drink couple oz of wine.

I’m also back to cutting weight so freeing up the calories is nice… sometimes. I don’t notice much with being hungry or not but since I usually clean up my eating when doing that there are times I’m looking for another 800 calories after dinner just to get up the number that is already a 500 calorie deficit. Definitely yelled from the kitchen that I should drink this beer for my health on more than one occasion.

Thought about trying athletic brewing but figured it was best to just go for nothing this month, may try some in feb.