Early Access to iOS Beta: Updated TrainerRoad

I’ve experienced this a couple times now with the beta app. At the end of the first Vo2 effort during the warm up, I back off the effort after the interval time is up, but the app/kickr doesn’t drop the resistance for several more seconds. You see my cadence drop as I try to mash the pedals to get through the resistance before the proper resistance finally kicks in.

Same thing on the workout below. Second interval of the main set. No problems the rest of the workout though (except for the fact it crushed me and I bailed on the final set!).


Not much feedback from me, still can’t get past initial app startup without it crashing out on an iPhone 6 with latest software iOS 12.4.9.

I’ve had to revert back to the general release for the last few beta app releases.

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Updated to the latest version earlier today and what a blast! The app now works at speeds I expect from it! Thanks a lot for the update!!!
Nothing to mention, I had a workout scheduled for today and everything worked fine.

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Hate to say it but the new version I installed today is a massive regression for me. I’m running iOS 14.1 on a 7+.

  • It crashes and forces me to re-login every single time I start the app.
  • I had to uninstall and re-install to get the app to talk to my Kickr '17.
  • The extend cooldown/warmup buttons are so small I can’t even see them from 2 feet away. To press them I have to basically smear my finger across the side of the screen until it pops up. (You can see that in this screenshot)

Downloaded the latest version of the beta to my iPad Air Gen 1 today and had a pretty rough session. Just before the 2nd interval the app crashed. I reopened it and it very slowly got going again. Eventually the resume session pop up appeared and I hit resume. After a good solid minute of nothing I closed the app and restarted it again. I had to restart 3 more times before the resume button actually did something. The workout very slowly reloaded and I was able to get going again.

Thankfully the rest of the workout was great until the cooldown. I extended the workout by 1 minute and just before that additional minute started the app crashed again. I again restarted and hit resume, this time however it crashed again after hitting resume. This repeated several times before I gave up and hit cancel instead of resume.

Hope this helps work out the kinks…

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Thanks all set.

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I see some crazy shit with AirPods Pro also. Can’t put my finger on it, other than devices conflict and drops out the trainer connection


Did Ericsson yesterday on the latest version of the app. Equipment - Tacx Flow Smart with single side Vector 3. Worked very well. Previously had had problems with the Tacx not dropping resistance enough in the rest intervals. Drop was still not quite as much as it should have been (125W vs 99), but was much better. Also the resistance was 20% too high for the first 2 minutes.

One problem I had was I couldn’t use the app to set a “Other” workout to complete.

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Not sure if this is a new feature, but just noticed you can pull the cursor to skip to a specific time through the intervals. really like it for some recovery intervals I feel are just too long.

Would be nice if there was a button option that just said “skip forward 1 min” similar to the “Extend cooldown” or “extend warmup”

thanks for continuing to make this a great app.

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On iphone 8+ I tried using the calendar function in the app to enter a strength workout “other”. I wasn’t able to complete it as after I entered the name, if I clicked elsewhere on the screen either to enter time or outside of a data entry field it went back to the “<Activity” screen. Had to go and use the web-based calendar.

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I apologize if this has been answered or if this is not the proper topic but, what is the responsiveness setting for on the powermatch in the new app? I have adjusted it a few times but am having trouble understanding.

Thank you,


Also, having some continued frustrating experiences with power readings being off. Not sure if this is the app or kickr snap, but wanted to raise. In doing Baxter -1 yesterday workout felt a little easy. Did spin down and it got much harder. Then, a new thing, in last 1/3 of workout power reading often dipped below target, though the feel didn’t change. Nor did cadence. Just seemed random.

Also, when ending a workout I noticed the TSS and IF, prior to syncing were way higher than where it ended up. This ride ended up being around the prescribed TSS/IF, but you can see here it is much higher initially. (you can also see the wobbles in the last 2 intervals I mentioned above. This WO was from the day before)

And not new to the app, but it is still mildy annoying how IF/TSS differ by .01-2 or 1-2 in the various views - app vs. web summary page vs. web detail page. Has been this way for years.


Did another workout yesterday, and noticed after I finished that the rear brake was not centered so one side was rubbing against the rim. May explain why Trainer Road could not get the resistance low enough in the rest intervals. Have another workout scheduled tomorrow so will report back if sorting the brakes out cleared the problem.

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Oh dear. Big fan of everything you do at TR but I’ve installed and uninstalled the beta this evening. :pensive:

iOS 14.1 on iPhone X

Tried to explore the app… noticed some odd things on the account screen.

Date of birth was blank
Ride sync was showing no syncd apps
Also weight needed updating…

Tried to update the weight - let me edit the cell but could not save it

Tried to add a date of birth - app crashed out. Tried again. Crashed out again.

Tried instead to add apps on ride sync… had to force quit as was just circling…

Feels like the app wasn’t logged in properly - maybe - so I have rolled back for now

Sad, but I personally want something more stable than that

Good luck guys

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Lots of odd behaviors today.

Upon starting ride the still syncing flag wouldn’t go away. Had to restart app and resume ride.

Resume ride button was super slow to respond.

Resistance continues to feel too high for wattage ( though could be a trainer issue).

Did spindown and the circle was bigger than the screen.

Switching between TR and Spotify and returning continues to cause disjointed lines

Screen tap feel and responsiveness just about everywhere is terrible.

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Just a suggestion: when you finish a workout early, it gives you the option to keep or discard that workout. The “keep” option is highlighted in red, which to me says “don’t press this button.” Bottom line, I think the coloring of the buttons is counterintuitive for this.


Am I right that the Video of @chad explaining ramp test has been withdrawn from the new app?
Just wondering because a ramp test is scheduled for today and I like to watch the video as a little motivational piece.

I know I say this every time, but it’s still amazing the amount of feedback that everyone has provided and thank you for spending your time to help us make a better product.

There are some nice improvements in this one including Live FTP for Ramp Tests (@larskoelle video should be in the Ramp Test workout description) and some of problems that we have been seeing with both seeking within workouts and people who have been using larger text sizes.

In this version we have made the following fixes or improvements

•	Fixed a problem with the navigation bar and when devices are “face-up”
•	Fixed the way we limit dynamic text size scaled
•	Fixed a problem with swiping back on some side panels
•	Fixed Account showing NaN when entering certain values
•	Calendar layout will no longer break when scrolling too far into the past 
•	Fixed a problem with the cursor moving to the incorrect position on seek
•	Live FTP for Ramp Tests is implemented
•	Improved the performance of the calendar and sync.

Yeah, I had to disable audio feedback, because during workouts I am listening to music via my iPhone connected to my Airpods or Airpods Pro (I have both). Whenever the TR app on my iPad would trigger an audio feedback event (e. g. to signify the start or end of an interval), my iPad would then grab the Bluetooth connection to my Airpods, which results in me having to press play again on my iPhone.

I disabled audio feedback for that reason.

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Great, I will test it tomorrow during my morning workout then.

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