Discouraged. FTP won't increase

@isaac124, That’s a cool post. Thanks for taking the time.

Interesting that you only look at time, not TSS. Maybe I should start to look at that more also.

I think I’m now starting to learn that.

Day 1 of new plan.

Ramp test today after one full week of rest. 249. Five watts higher than I tested last week. Rest and get stronger. Who knew. (probably no stronger, probably within the “noise” of the ramp test)

We’ll see what happens for the rest of the plan! I’m excited to try something a little new.


I’m kind of in the same boat. My FTP has been stagnant for the past year: 212, 213, 218, 215, 221, 218. I’m 42 with no kids with moderately stressful job (intense 12-14 hr days in the hospital for 3 consecutive days/week). Just finished a low-volume sustained build and didn’t reap any FTP benefits. Just felt really burned out especially at the end. I do have to admit that I didn’t exactly adhere to the program. I just did the 2 high intensity days and then sprinkled in Pettit-like workouts on off days and rode outside. The thing is that I also don’t want to just do structured workouts for every ride. In the middle of this I did PR the Mt Haleakala climb by 20 mins but I’m attributing this to better nutrition. I feel strong on the bike on real world rides and dropped on climbs with mtb riders that are in the 4.5-5 w/kg range. I feel like I do lack upper top end punchy stuff. I’m going to try to do more strength training as I haven’t lifted in years. I’m also going to check my testosterone levels next check up as I have been lacking motivation and recoveries from hard rides have been rough.

I’ve just completed my first Sustained power build block lv after doing ssb lv 286 from 280 a month ago. I wonder how the time crunched 30 plans would be with like 30-90 minutes of z2 after. I’m feeling like I’m walking a tightrope with recovery currently and feel like I’ve made great progress but after a certain point more z2 might be more beneficial.