COVID Vaccine Shots and Training

I had mild aches in all my “large” muscles - as a cyclist, that’s pretty much just glutes, quads, calves… A bit like what I have had with full blown flu before but really, really mildly by comparison (I have had it with flu before where it feels like I have strained every single muscle in my body).

Seems to be fine now anyway, I did my social ride yesterday fine and have Sill to look forward to in a few minutes (really thanking the new plans as that was a bit of a downgrade compared to what was originally there!).

Fairly fit, 310ftp 90kg 38 year old here, had my pfizer first jab Friday afternoon. Saturday arm hurt and felt hungover, tired and general ache. Sunday a bit better, but a 5 mile walk wiped me out, home for a nap. Monday, a days work then had to cut Huxley short! Heartrate in the 180bpm even after knocking it down to 90%! Club tt Wednesday night so we’ll see what happens! Hoping to recover soon!!!

Just had my 2nd AZ jab. Felt unwell with sore head days 2 and 3 after 1st shot so fingers crossed I feel better thus time as I have a 60 miler planned for Thursday with my son. Had to take 3 days off the bike after the 1st jab so fingers crossed.

Second Moderna yesterday. Not going well so far …


2nd AZ jab on Tuesday. Felt terrible all day yesterday. Headache, nausea and generally lethargic. Back on the bike again today and feeling great.

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The follow up to this is magically about a month after the second shot, I woke up recovered. Based on prior days, I expected a sub-par HRV and Resting heart rate, but was pleased to see both normal if a little on the good side. It’s been 2.5 weeks since and have been feeling amazing on the bike and everything is good.


10 days since Moderna #2. Age 58 male, recreational rider, uses TR to stay sane.

I’m still not feeling great, mostly just fatigued. I’m work functional but not necessarily bike functional – I wish the opposite was true: Sorry boss, I’m not feeling well enough to work but a ride sounds good.

Even after the first shot, it was probably 2 weeks before I felt completely normal. But, the first shot symptoms were more mild. Hopeful that things improve fast.

I am now 24 hours after my second Moderna dose. I have a bunch of neck/upper back aches and some mild malaise. My HRV this morning was very low. Not feeling feverish, and I might head out for a very easy spin, but I am not getting much done today for sure.

FYI, just turned 40, rec cyclist.

Edit: I felt crummier in the evening that day, but I am feeling a bit better today, I.e. about 48 hours after vaccination. I was able to head out for that ride.

I almost wish whoop would have a skull and crossbones on April first whenever your recovery is below 10%.
I’ve been consistently yellow since my second shot this Monday, buy each day has been better than the last. I did hit 98% Sunday night into Monday which I had never done before.

Legend has it that 0% means you are dead, but nobody has survived to tell about it …

I went 1% day 1, 67% day 2, 90% day 3 so bouncing back was quick.

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39 F, first Pfizer jab which happily coincided with a rest week.
Arm seriously sore for a couple of days, to the point where I could barely lift it up. But no other symptoms, slept well and energy levels were fine. Kept it easy though with a couple of Taku-1 workouts just to be on the safe side. Then went camping and shredded my legs trying to get my gear up hills. C’est la vie!

31 M, J&J (Janssen), terrible headache started approx 6h after the shot and went away in around 24h hours. Also had slight fever during the same period which came and went away couple of times. Felt quite good after symptoms went away. Tried threshold intervals 50h after the shot and got absolutely destroyed after second 7min interval… rethining how ti approach this weeks plan. Will probably re-visit previous weeks workouts which were doable before the shot.

Pfizer first jab last Tuesday, all last week I was lethargic and napped a lot!
Today did a level 1.0 sweet spot and was all good in the hood. I think I’d be in a worse position if I had tried to do anything, at points I felt great again, then 30 mins later I was horizontal on the sofa.

Waiting a week was the right plan I reckon.

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37 M. Had my first dose of AZ on Monday morning, had a bit of sore arm right after but that was about it for day one. On the second day around noon had a spell of drowsiness, a bit like having one too many beers. So I took a short nap, woke up feeling great and went for a short run. Did my first ride today (Wednesday) and managed the first set of 20 min Eichorn +1 , suffered during the second set of 20 mins however I think I can pin it down to eating too much beans for lunch, doubt it was the effect of the vaccine. Will test legs again on Friday.

** I have been eating non stop since getting the shot, probably gonna gain some weight this week


First shot of Pfizer, no symptoms/reactions.

Second shot—I got it at noon and felt exhausted by 3pm. Went home and took an hour nap, felt great from that point forward.

Zero impact/effect on training.

38M, had Phizer yesterday (Tuesday) evening. Felt fine. Now been 24 hours and feel totally fine just very slight sore arm.
Took today as a rest day and plan to have easy recovery type ride tomorrow to play it safe then plan to return to normal training.

Second dose of AZ two days ago. Did a few 2-8 minute VO2 max hills earlier today. Felt like top end was blunted, RPE higher than what I usually observe for HR response. No side effects otherwise, and won’t be doing another VO2 max session till next week. No negative effects observed at lower intensity

Although not a peer reviewed paper this appears to be good news for all of us that have had our shots. :+1:



Got my second shot (Moderna) last 21st, 2nd show was way worse. 10 hours after the shot, I was shivering with a headache and a slight fever. Slept for 12 hours and shivering was gone, still with slight headache and fever but recovered fast. Rode z1 2 days after the shot and was back with endurance on the 3rd day. 4th day, I rode vo2 intervals and felt good. I might still be recovering since I felt really weak these last couple of days.


Update: March 24 Pfizer shot 1 - practically no symptoms, trained as usual. May 27 Pfizer shot 2 - Hoo boi, she was a doozy! Headache, chills, and overall body aches coupled with mild nausea made for a not so fun sleep. Whoop data showed an elevated RHR and RR. Day after was a write off, same symptoms except for nausea. No way was I throwing a leg over my bike. Second day back to 95%. Did a 2.5hr endurance ride outside and felt fine. Small price to pay for herd immunity!

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