Chronic Migraine & Headache Sufferers

Over the past 3-4 years, I’d been getting increasing migraines - about 2 a month, each lasting 3 days. The day before I would be foggy, have problems articulating or remembering words, feeling down. Triggers were definitely alcohol, stress, barometric pressure changes, missing a meal - you never knew what would set it off.

I saw doctors, had my eyes checked - and became was increasingly depressed and stressed about keeping up on work and life. My last option was prescription medication, which I had really been trying to avoid. So I started a last ditch effort to try anything so I could get my life back.

I decided to try eating gluten free. 2 weeks passed, then 4, then a few months. I slowly gained more energy, stopped losing hair (super stressful for a woman in her early 40s - my hair follicles used to ache inside my head), and after 2 decades of being lactose intolerant, after about 4 months I could even eat cheese - pizza, lasagna, alfredo - without lactaid!. I’d been diagnosed with trigeminal neuralgia about 6 years ago with debilitating nerve pain in the left side of my face and head - and that pain has almost completely subsided. And the headaches went away. I’ve had one in the last 6 months since I stopped eating gluten, and it was only for a day.

This diet change has changed my life to the degree that I am looking to share this story with anyone who is suffering because I know how miserable life is when you’re in that kind of pain. Gluten may not be the reason for your migraines, but it is a relatively low cost, non pharmaceutical effort to try and see if it helps you.