Can we have more variety in the podcasts please?

They don’t ignore that segment of the customer base; that segment of the customer base (which includes me), needs cycling coaching arguably more than anything else. They discuss running some, but again, if they’re going to do a swimming deep dive, I’m not sure how effective that’s going to be in a single episode anyway.

While the business of producing cycling training plans certainly calls for triathlon plans, particularly in the US where the sport is arguably bigger than pure cycling anyway, I’m not sure the AACC podcast should try to be all things to triathletes. With respect to the podcast, they’re the best in the business in terms of discussing cycling training, and IMO they should stick as closely as possible to doing that one thing as well as humanly possible. I’m n=1, but I get my swimming stuff from someplace else that’s just about equally good with respect to swimming as TR is to cycling IME.

We can just agree to disagree. Or we can exchange violent threats via PM! :laughing: