Can we have more variety in the podcasts please?

Or, they can cover the topics and let us pick and choose between what we want to try, follow, or ignore (just like any other topic). I get what you are saying on the different sports, but I trust that these guys can cover them quite well.

They already touched on swimming over a year ago (IIRC) and did a fine job on the topic, with focus on new swimmers. As a non-swimmer myself, I’m not the best judge, but from what I do know, they covered the intro just fine.

If they plan to continue support for multi-sport racing (via the tri plans and expected expansion for run and swim workouts), I think it’s quite practical for them to cover runs and swims. As needed, they can pull in outside people to cover them with more depth and knowledge (just like other topics they already handled… aka women’s training related issues via Amber).

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