AI Training - Will it work?

Everything you listed should be accounted for today with AT.

But of course, if someone wants to do what they want to do, then we can’t stop them.

A far as other people doing “AI Training” I like to think of the cooking analogy.

Machine learning output is a combination of data + data engineering.

Just like a good meal is a combination of good ingredients and a good chef.

Data = Ingrendients
Chef = data engineering

You need both to have a great outcome. You can’t simply say “Well, this restaurant cooks food too! It’s already been done!” and expect it to be the same.


What if you also told us what your body was telling you? :smiley:


The goal is to beat a coach in terms of picking workouts.

We’ve already seen this on the closed beta. A coach had a “breakthrough” workout assigned to an athlete. They showed the progression data to the coach and they adjusted the workout to what AT suggested.

Coaches will still be very valuable for accountability, skills, racing tactics, and a sounding board. I don’t see them going away but I see them being used in tandem with AT.


This already happens with the progression system. Except instead of changing your FTP it puts you in a different point in your progression.

This is happening in our internal system with FTP predictions. I suspect we’ll run future models to optimize certain levels in specific workout zones. This will automatically take into account repeatability which is awesome.

This is what the survey data post-workout is for. If you stop early we get to know why you stopped. This is also why we can’t have the system tell if you’re overtraining at the moment because we can’t tell why you stopped a workout.


I think the real question is; is it better than what we have today? And then is next month better than last month?

For TR employees, the answer is it’s way better than what we have today. And I know it will continue to be improved.

It’s not a binary “Yes” or “No”.


We just adjust your progression level so you get the correct workouts afterwards.

We like this approach because your levels during a phase will also change a bunch. This makes more sense compared to constantly changing your FTP.

You can think of FTP more as “Ramp Test Result”.


CTL and ATL so far haven’t been as useful as other things in our ML model.

It’s because TSS doesn’t tell a big enough picture. IE 4x10 min at threshold is the same as 1x40 in terms of TSS but are very different workouts.


There are orders of magnitude more data for people not directly or not following plans at all.

Very rigid plan compliance over a season is extremely rare. And half of our users don’t follow a plan at all. Then we have all of the outside data plus people leaving and rejoining TR seasonly.

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What?! Please link me where we said this, and I will preempt and say if we did say this we were wrong.

I’m going to share some SSB HV data tomorrow on the podcast. It’s very good at making some athletes faster. It’s also only for around 7% of our athletes.

We definitely have a problem with athletes picking plans that have too much volume for them. We need to put more guard rails into the system to help them self select down.

There is a vibe on the internet that “if the plan didn’t work for me, then it doesn’t work for anyone.” That is not the case.


The level system takes this into account.

I think you should think of it as a “Ramp Test Result” rather than your FTP. That helps us get out of all of these “what is your FTP and how to measure it” debates.

It’s more of “What can you do, and how can you improve it”. The ramp test gets you on the way to getting there and it’s fairly repeatable.

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Your quote makes it seem like we disagree when in reality we are more or less saying the same thing.

My follow up post covers it AI Training - Will it work? - #105 by stevemz

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If you have a 90 minute workout and all the non-interval periods are the same, then 5x10 is the same IF/TSS as 1x50. At most there might be a 2-3 difference depending on the NP window and where you put the workouts.

It’s definitely not enough to demonstrate the difference between 5x10 and 1x50.

It’s the same or very close NP.

As of now, all of it is used for AT or at least looked at. We try to identify and throw out rides with faulty equipment; ie sustained 2000 watt spikes. Stuff like that.

And yes, it was totally time consuming! This is one of the reasons why we’ve been doing this for three years.

Yes, subjective feedback should improve the model. But that doesn’t mean there’s no value in the data today.


The nice thing is we have a lot of athletes and can operate at scale.


Interesting. I would love to see what you can share on the predictive (or it sounds like non-predictive) value of these two metrics, as they are so embedded in the cycling training culture. So weaning people off of these will take a lot of education.

Yes, we 100% agree.

The weird part is your TSS might not be as high with AT but you’ll end up being faster. This has been a mind warp for some internal athletes.


Exactly this. I’ve seen this other places with ML: the answer can be very counter intuitively, and it isn’t always obvious how to explain the answer / direction it gives you to draw human understandable “heuristics”.

This is going to be the other challenge: AT’s recommendations will be a true “black box”, without human explainable reasons for the recommendations. So comparing what it is recommending vs. what a human would recommend and why isn’t going to be easy, or probably possible at all.

We all need a mind warp occasionally :slight_smile:

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I might have missed the explanation in the podcast, but I see TrainNow, I do not see the “achievable/reaching” bubble and I don’t see the “alternatives” beside “variants”. Is that because they’re coming in the future, or because some of those are reliant on having used TrainNow to select workouts previously, meaning I have to use it at least once to get it to start working for me?