Adaptive Training Closed Beta Update

I’m am planning to use it for now, but it was more the fact that I couldn’t push weeks to add a test test week.

Until today I’d not realised, although it could be in the future so thought I’d mention.

Ah yes, losing the ability to push weeks has been a bit annoying for me too.

I thought that adding a holiday week might do something similar but all it really seems to do is just delete the workouts that were in that week.


If you are experiencing issues with the post ride survey saving, this is what worked for me when I’m doing inside rides:

  • once you’ve completed the survey, hit analyze online
  • quit the TR app
  • relaunch the TR app
  • check in the browser that your ride ratings is showing up

i do exactly the same!

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Guess that also means the ride must be recorded on the Garmin while the TR outside workout is played on the Garmin?

If you just upload an outside ride from Garmin to TR and then link a workout to it, it doesn’t work.

Some BIG news:


That IS great news. I was considering shelling out for a new Garmin 530, but now I can keep my trusty Lezyne for a bit longer :slight_smile:

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I raised a bug a few weeks ago and the suggestion from support was that there was a race condition if you had both Garmin and Strava connected to TR. If Garmin got in first then the workout counted towards adaptations, if Strava was first then it didn’t. The “fix” was to disconnect TR and Strava. That didn’t actually solve the bug I saw but it aligns with the workout ID being stripped.

Apologies if i’ve missed this, but is there any option to automatically approve every adaptation as it is recommended, rather than checking the app/website and manually accepting each one? A small gripe, but makes it easier to just get on with the riding and whats next than evaluating my workouts each time. tia


Not sure if this is a bug or just my misunderstanding, should the primary progression be the same between the app and the web?
I’ve seen it a few times and decided to screengrab it this morning:

I’m pretty sure Custer isnt an endurance workout; that or my heart rate is lying!


I’m on the last few weeks of the SSB2MV training plan. So far so good when it comes to AT. I was away camping all week and missed 3 workouts - Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. I would have expected AT to tone down my Saturday (today) workout as a result, and possibly tomorrows’.

Here is my calendar for the last 2 weeks:

Is this standard behaviour for AT?

Known bug that other people have reported.


I think the “problem” here is that you didn’t miss any Threshold workout, so it does not need any adaption. And your Sweetspot at 4.8 is lower than the workouts you missed, so there is no reason to lower it further. It might very well be that after your next training tuesday and thursday workouts get downgraded. (I usually get the workout I missed the next week).

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Should AT give different length workouts for an adaptation? AT is trying to adapt my 1 hour weekday workout to a 90 minute workout but I only have time for 60 minutes. Is it best to accept the adaptation and just use alternates to reduce it back to an hour the day of?

Since I cut Strava out of the equation I haven’t seen a single issue or inconsistency with the progression levels and survey responses. 3 or 4 weeks now of everything working as it should…

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Thank you for the clear explanation. I think you’re right on the monies.

This ‘Big news’ about outside ride and progression levels is great. However I am confused by some of the associated comments.

My understanding is that now, I can do an outside ride, and later (for same day) pick a TR workout, mark it as outside and then associate it with that ride. That will count towards progression levels. Is that correct?

However, There seems to be chat about NOT doing this via Strava. or rather not also doing this via Strava and Garmin Connect. I run

  1. a Garmin 920 watch into Garmin connect
  2. GC then syncs with Strava
  3. I have both GC and Strava linked to my TR account.

So I think the forum recommendation is to disconnect my link from Strava to TR, and only rely on the single GC to TR link. (In other words GConnect acts as the source for both the other apps).

Is that the correct interpretation? Is this the recommended approach? Or is this noise? …or have I got confused?

Thanks for clarification in advance :+1:

Not sure how they selected testers but I signed up almost immediately and have been a subscriber and regular user (3 - 4 times a week on average) for 5+ years and still waiting for the email. Not that worried as I am more than happy with the existing product but it is starting to feel like the TR team jumped the gun a bit on the announcement.

Fantastic value product nonetheless and I heartily recommend it!


This only relates to the Garmin outside workout functionality.

If you push a workout from TR to your Garmin, and then after completion it hits TR from Strava, the workout ID is not passed from Garmin>Strava>TR so TR doesn’t know which workout it was supposed to be and it was not affecting PLs.

However, the new fix (where any outside ride associated with a TR workout contributes to PLs) may fix this, as it seems like it should do - perhaps someone who’s tried it since can comment.

My guess is that they’ve prioritized users that were already using/testing beta software. My n=1: shortly after they announced AT, I signed up for the non-AT beta. After about 1 month, I was then in the AT-beta.