What is "8 hours of sleep?"

8 hours as a rule is a myth but only in the sense that everyone has their own needs. You should sleep enough so that you’re not tired when you get out of bed. I’ll go so far as to say if you’re getting enough sleep, you’ll wake up without an alarm. (waking up to pee or from a bad dream doesn’t count!) I haven’t achieved this since my early 20s but waking up naturally and fresh is truly fantastic and really is good for you.

Signs you’re not getting enough sleep…

  • drinking caffeine to feel good
  • waking up to an alarm
  • hitting snooze

I know it’s natural to think whatever you’re doing is “working for you.” It’s called hedonic adaptation. But if you can find a way to go to bed early enough so that you wake up on time for work without needing an alarm (eg, you set it for 6 am but realize you’re suddenly waking up at 5:55), you’ll be amazed how good it feels.

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