Weekly Tips Gone

  • The WT’s were located in the main training plan definitions AND added as easily accessible annotations on the calendar (shown at the start of the week). That is about as “front & center” as any TR messaging, and it was basically ignored.

I used them a BUNCH, but I was clearly in the minority. I even made a few couple requests related to them that date way back.

This heads OT, but I do agree that TR has some work to do with getting info into the hands, eyes & minds of users.

  • BUT… they already have a wealth of info in the form of the official Support Site, as well as their blog. Both of which go largely unnoticed or used as well.
  • I access those and share links to them on a daily basis to answer repeat questions that are completely or partially addressed by those sources.
  • TR doesn’t have a single, simple, spoon-fed resource that I think is useful to a number of users. I think that is one avenue they need to dial in, but it will essentially just be a streamlined path to or mash-up of the many existing resources that people don’t know about or access without guidance.
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