Weekly Summations

I think I got it halfway figured out. For the rides that were not included in my weekly total, I noticed that the two boxes below were not checked when editing the ride details:


Beyond that, I’m not sure why certain rides were excluded from my career. Maybe TR excludes ride data from your career if the IF exceeds a certain threshold?

In regards to the other two comments, in the process of setting up my account, TR assigned me with an initial FTP that is roughly half of what my actual is. This was before importing my Strava data and before my ramp test, so maybe it was based on my response to how much I “train”. I was going through manually adjusting my FTP for each ride to get the IF correct, but with all the rides that I would have to edit, I figured it would be easier to just delete all my data and reimport it with the correct FTP setting in my account. I haven’t yet been able to successfully reimport all of my past rides, even with the 48h waiting period, so I’ll be trying it again in a few days.