Transitioning out of full time cycling to cycling plus gym

At 63 and wanting/needing to lift and ride I’ve given up on trying to fit into a traditional 7 day schedule. I now use an 8 day schedule that has some flexibility if my buddies want to ride cause it’s nice enough to fat bike or gravel

Day 1 - some level of intensity ride normally 60 min
Day 2 - 45-60 min of strength work
Day 3 - Z2 Endurance ride 90 min or more
Day 4 - Recovery/Mobility
Day 5 - 60-90 min sweet spot ride
Day 6 - 45-60 min strength
Day 7 - Z2 Endurance ride 90 min or more
Day 8 Recovery/Mobility

I may add a swim day after the Z2 days and slide the recovery day, making it a 10 day schedule. I’m recovering from some skin cancer treatment and can’t get in the pool for another week or two