Training for "BIG" Climbs

I am not a racing snake - carry a bit of extra weight but am relatively fit for cycling. So perhaps my view is not so technically expert about cycling. I am more a enthusiastic sportive rider than anything else. I have done some long climbs - the Maratona being the most notable. Did a strong base Trainer road traditional as the Sweet spot was too hard on my knees (following knee replacement) and then built up to try to do at least one ‘long ride’’ 50 miles 2-3000 ft climbing a week leading up to this. Perhaps I set my sights too low but I know I won’t race up the hills but I can do them.

A mantra I was taught was can I pedal any slower as going into the red which will soon destroy my effort on a long climb. European hills so much longer than many in UK so you can’t just grunt up them as it will wear you out. Am now training for Mont Ventoux in Sept following the same formula as before but this time doing sweet spot (knees better) and my cycling base generally stronger and getting out each week.

As well as cycling I feel time in gym good so I am doing weights (have always done them) but anything I can do to shift my weight power ratio it will help (and also help my knee health). Big weights to build (still building up gently after knee replacement and before next one) but also micro stuff to make sure glutes are firing and hamstrings are good.

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