TR 2020 Running Thread

Did a 5k race yesterday…
Oh man… Absolute disappointed… 18.57… I was expecting 18.30 after 3 weeks of running specific workouts!

My legs were not happy with me this am. Had to bail on warlow after the 3rd set.


I find 5k to be the hardest distance to race. You need to be right on the razor’s edge throughout, and the last 2 kms are pure hell.


I havent done a 10k in a while, but I always find the 10k is the worse one…
5k you just go out hard… and its done in 20 minutes…
in a 10k it requires almost a perfect pacing strategy. You need to go hard… but if you go TOO hard you will be done…and more than likely you will have 2 miles to go once your legs give out!

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Thanks! I’d agree that the marathon was mentally a lot tougher to keep holding pace as my legs lost their mojo in the last 4 miles. The last mile I was grunting every step with increasing loudness! But even in the buildup to the marathon there’s no way I could knock out more than a few consecutive sub 6:30 miles, let alone 13 of them on a slow course. I executed the race almost perfectly from a nutrition, WU, and pacing standpoint, and felt the best and most confident I ever have while running. Interestingly, I spent less than 1 hour total at anything close to threshold in the 2 months between the marathon and the half- 2 weeks off followed by 6 weeks of 10-15hrs Z2 worked wonders.

I definitely have more in the 5k but not as much as my longer times indicate. I’m a notorious diesel engine with a low top end, but even more so in running, my stride just doesn’t let me run that fast. I have tree trunk legs and tight hamstrings/hips- let’s me push big power on the bike but makes my stride short and ugly. I could probably get close to 18 on a flat course with others to pace off, but it’s extremely challenging for me to get myself moving at sub 6 pace regardless of the length of time.

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I made the same mistake as you.
I was running 5.30 min/Km in the beginning without much effort, HR was under control (certainly below cycling threshold) but in less than a week I got a nagging IT band pain. I had to reign it back by inserting small walk intervals until I could run the whole way through without going back to the IT band pain. Shortly after that, I discovered 80/20 running and I’ve been injury free since then. Now most of my runs are 30-45 min/km slower but much longer than before and I’m adding tempo work sparingly.

80/20 running is A way to keep your effort under control (It worked for me, maybe more experienced athletes can add to the topic), especially after years of sweet spot and threshold work on TR. Copying that as a running beginner was a recipe for disaster in my case.

Back to running workouts after a week off…
I guess the 5k from Saturday really did a number on my legs. This is not the way I usually feel after a 5k, so its a bit frustrating.

In any case…
12x 400 - Average of 85s per 400 (most under, some over)
4x200 - 41s each.

oh boy. I am exhausted today. I haven’t feel this tired after a wo in a very long time!

Looking for running app recommendations, preferably ones that import/export data freely?

I used Nike Run Club for virtual races last season which I liked but it doesn’t really have any analytics and doesnt export data anywhere.

My training group uses Final Surge. It’s pretty easy to use, syncs flawlessly with TR, and you can upload custom workouts to Garmin.

Also tracks shoe mileage, sleep, RHR, etc. There is a free version but not sure how much of that functionality is available for free.

Sorry if this has already been covered, does anyone use the Workout Creator for their run sets?

Plan builder sets the running session descriptions so I’ve tried making those in the creator today.

e.g. 1 hour session with 9*1 minute all out, 3 minutes recovery I’ll set those 1 minutes as double FTP or so.

I have a heart rate monitor connected so I can track I’m in roughly the right zones as I go through.

Find it useful so I can easily follow the session without having to remember bits and also a bit nicer to look at that just the session written down or just my heart rate.

Wonder if this is something TR can implement automatically instead of the description only.

Happy New Year!

2021 Running Thread ??

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Good luck! Our son went to grad school at Sussex University in Brighton, he loved his time there. He met some wonderful people while there. We are from the USA.

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2 posts were merged into an existing topic: TR Running Thread 2021