Threshold sessions hurt!

Depending on what your discipline is, this might not be unusual. If you’re a track guy, pursuiter, etc., I can see this being true. Otherwise, your fractional utilization is probably pretty low and you have a lot of room to grow progressing threshold under your current ceiling.

Conversely, if you’re not getting a large buildup of metabolic byproducts at 115% of your FTP such that you don’t feel any kind of burn after a 5 minute interval, and you can do 4x5’ of that 3-4 times per week over and over again, then you’re probably a pretty substantial outlier in that regard.

Obviously I can’t make blanket statements that apply to the entire cycling universe. The fallback adage is “it depends”, which is why I said I’d throw that stuff out for people to chew on. As in all things, your mileage may vary. :beers:

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