The Ironman Training 2021 Thread

May 8 Kinetic Triathlong Festival 70.3 at Lake Anna.
Starting Temp was 42-44F with water temp at 69. Start time at 7AM

I think I finally nailed down a pre race food strategy. Got a foot long with no cheese for dinner with fries. For breakfast I ate ramen and sipped UCAN. NO COFFEE. Felt pretty good the whole race… Only a little bit of issues late in the run almost shitting myself. I am also paying attention that I do not swallow air due to being nervous.

Swim - Dove in and swam 1-200 yards to WU. Panic attach inducing. Once I acclimated to the water I got out and lined up for the start. The course is a long rectangle so I had some trouble finding the buoys on the way out. Also it was dawn and on the way back the sun was finally in the sky. I got colder as I approached the shore to finish. 36min swim. Felt slow. I’m capable of better, and cant seem to get my OW swim legs back.

T1 - COLD AF. The only extra gear I brought with me was arm warmers. I should have had gloves and something more substantial than socks on my feet. At this point I am not in a good head space. I’m considering just pulling out of the race. Took a whole 5min!

Bike - Nearly turning around a few times due to cold. I can barely modulate by brake levers or squeeze a bottle. Got further down into the bike and still not happy, Told myself I could just do 1 lap. If I DONT do 1 lap then I do have to finish the whole race. Around 20 mile mark. I;m pushing 180-200 watts. I have no energy. Finally at around mile 30 the sun was higher in the sky and I was warming up a bit. Finally able to start pushing some power. Drank 400 calories, and ate another 100… Fingers so cold I could not manage to get more gummies out of the package. A little worried about how little I’ve taken in. Time was 2:18

T2: Frozen feet and hands. Didn;t even bother getting my feet out of the shoes. Just dismounted the old fashioned way. threw my shoes on, scooped up my bib/hat/glasses and ran out of t2 in 1:32

Run - 3 lap course, with 6 hills to climb total. Considering the up and down of the course it is still pretty fast. I spotted my nemesis (local pro Todd Burns) and marked where he was on course, hoping to match his pace. Lap 1 taking it pretty conservatively. I’m starting to feel good, and really feeling the “I got this”
Another local DC tri guy flew by me(Matt Sarge); hes a strong runner and after today I got him in my crosshairs to rival. Come lap2 I upped the tempo a bit, I saw Todd again and he was about another 30s up the the road from the last time I saw him. Lets see If I can hold that off. 3rd lap he made even more time on me!
Started feeling like I had to use the bathroom; scoping out bushes and porto-johns. Really didnt want to stop. Urge was coming and going almost lot it there :stuck_out_tongue: Final hill before the downhill to finish. OMG I thought…this hill hurt. Look at my total run time for the first time, Hey I might make <1:25 I thought. Finished strong and did in fact finish with 1:24:44 in 5th overall with total time 4:25:34

Found Todd after the race, He got a 4:13. Totally crushing us. I’ll get him someday. Matt Sarge ran a 1:17:03 which blows my freaking mind. Todd was also penalized 2x 12min total without notice for rule 10f which is…

" f. Position . Except for reasons of safety and when no advantage is gained, all cyclists shall keep to the right of the prescribed course unless passing."

Compete bullshit rule, as its completely open to interpretation. Now I would understand a blocking penalty but just simply not being on the right side ALL the time is just bullshit. I feel like the refs were being extra nitpickey to him since he lead the whole race. He crushed us and I think deserves this win. So with that penalty Todd moved down from 1st to 5th, giving me fourth overall. Hindsight it was a pretty good performance for me even though it felt terrible during. I lost a whole position from my slow T1, and really need to get my swim form back


Tough day out Ryan, but a good performance :+1: Well done


It seems people had a lot of issues with the swim yesterday… I heard the water was super cold!

Sounds like my ride on Friday

Had a flat on the trainer and had to stop every 10 to 15 minutes to refill air…

It was an hour of pure misery… Between refilling the tire and not properly eating before the ride it was just pure frustration…

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Wasn’t the water per say but really the air temp after getting out

You had a great race.
Me the swim SUCKED, I ended up swimming 2443
I knew it was going to be cold so I wore my LBSs long sleeved jersey over my tri jersey. I live in the flats of Virginia Beach so any incline bigger than a driveway is a long hill to me so this course was tough, but it was needed and gave me insight into what I need to do working towards IM Chattanooga. The big takeaway was I never felt that I was under any stress on the bike, but I missed my best 56 mile race by only 5 minutes so thats a positive.

The run was tough but good. The run is the only discipline that I set a hard goal time, somewhere between 1:40 and 1:45, ran 1:42.48 so very happy with that especially with all the hills.
5:28 good enough for third in the 55-59 age group.
I spoke with a couple friends one of who has done 70.3 Worlds twice, qualified for this years Worlds and has done Kona; we all agreed it was a tough course.

The marshalls were freaking me out, they would be behind me, pass me then be waiting at the next intersection and repeat. This lasted unitl about mile 30 where I pushed passed the two others I was yoyoing with.

Kinetic does a great job


Yeah. Very pickey refs out there for sure

Sounds like you all had good races and it’s awesome to know that there are so many of us in the DMV! My wife was supposed to race the half on the 8th, but swapped to the sprint on the 9th due to injuries, and then we cancelled altogether due to being way behind on preparing for our cross-country packing/move this week. She was even happier about that decision when she found out how cold it would be!

I raced Rumpus in Bumpass last month and did better than I expected for not having followed any plan for a few months. Ended up taking 12th, and it looks like you beat me by a solid 11min @Gnome! I’m surprised the refs gave any penalties at all, and I thought that Rumpus at Bumpass was run a bit poorly compared to how Kinetic normally runs their races. There were way too many cars on the road and I almost rode into the back of a pickup at 24mph after it passed me and then immediately stopped for a slower cyclist doing the sprint race.


April was a weird month. It was good because i did my first ever Half marathon distance and in a race and did a 1.32 so was pretty chuffed with that as i had no idea of any pacing. I did not do any tempo or anything above base really on the run so thats looking positive for my 70.3 on July. However, since then i have been bit off the rails and just not motivated really. I need to just crack on and suck it up. Thinking of doing a good bike block to help the fitness bit more and get that power up. The next month i am just looking at upping the volume all round and trying to swim more.


almost 2hrs last night at 0.96IF (Virtual Climb)…
My legs are recked today


Well done, podium :3rd_place_medal::grinning:


Big changes everyone, looks like all the Tri plans have been changed in the latest app release. Quite a significant drop in TSS and vo2 intervals much shortened would be my headlines.

I’ve already jumped in and have some concerns, I’d think everyone in the middle of a plan have a little browse of the whole of the new plans before changing.



Bruh! If i ever can swim 35 minutes on a HIM! This would be the race of my life!

i just reviewed my plan and compared what was posted to my TP account. The big differences I see are the weekend rides. I had some 7-8 hour rides they have been reduced to a more managable 5-6 hour rides. I would have done the new times even without the change.

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Well April was definitely a mixed bag. Swimming came back pleasantly quickly, got back to within spitting distance of good adult fitness, and feel like I can get back to where I need to be (easily do distance workouts on 1:20 pace) within a few weeks. Bike has been coming along ok, struggled a bit early in the month so turned down FTP a bit but it’s slowly coming back. Getting outside for rides has also been fantastic. Have finally been able to consistently run 3 days a week for a couple weeks now, but have only gotten up to ~45 mins of running at a time. If Lake Placid goes forward i’ll try and ramp that up, which we’ll supposedly hear in a couple weeks.

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that was yards swam not time :upside_down_face:

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Never trust the swim gps :wink:

Are this on Full or Half?
I am currently doing base half distance…

Check everything!

If you haven’t updated your app yet, take some screen shots from the Plan section first, might make it easier to compare.

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I set up the plan 4 weeks ago… not sure if anything changed!

I didnt notice anything … bu i was really expecting anything… I just do what i am told to do

from their blog post…

Can I Keep My Old TrainerRoad Training Plan?

If you’re working on an original version of the TrainerRoad training plans and you’d like to continue with that plan version, you don’t need to do anything to keep your old training plan. Your training plan will remain the same as long as you don’t delete it or recalculate the plan.

Now should i or shouln’t I update the plan?