The Doughnut is NOT Done!

Ask Dr. Kabush about the Pritkin Diet. It’s supposed to reverse atherosclerotic plaques. I have no direct experience, but I think it’d be worth a shot. I was in a similar place as you in my 50’s. Fortunately my medical situation was reversible.


I think you may have mentioned this elsewhere, but can’t seem to find - was this diagnosed during a routine medical exam? Or were there some specific symptoms that you noticed and decided to ask your doctor about?

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It was an accumulation of factors: got hit by a car ~2 years ago and saw the doc about 4 times in the span of 2 months, earlier issues w/ bronchospasm during winter riding, family history of crappy hearts, previously high cholesterol from a HFLC experiment, over 40, etc, so he ordered a schwack of tests for me (but had zero previous or current symptoms of any cardio problems – I was Mr. VO2, remember!). Both stress tests were aborted due to HRE (hypertensive response to exercise); the nuclear test showing a possible reality.

My choice of future competition modes: curling, sailing, snooker, darts, golf, bowling, ping pong.

Currently researching if Tai Chi has Nat Champ events. :thinking:


You forgot scuba diving. The way for out of shape people to go on an “active” vacation!

Rock climbing. Gives you something to focus on for progression, climbing gradually harder and longer routes. Can train indoors when the weather is crappy. A great reason to go outside when the weather gets better. Similar to cycling! And better if you don’t fall.



This really sucks.

Hang tough. If you can fight through a TR workout with a faulty ticker, you have to be one tough dude. Here’s to you getting the best treatment, and my money’s on you for the Tai Chi Championships.

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This sounds really difficult to handle mentally, and I’m glad you’re talking with someone.
However, I’m definitely glad you’ve learned about this now, rather than with a massive heart attack that is much, much harder to recover from (if even possible). Better to confirm the diagnosis and have that diagnosis now so you can improve your atheroschlerosis. From the little I know of you based on your posts here, you will figure out how improve both your mental and physical health so you can get through this, and you’ll find a new outlet in the meanwhile.

Be excellent to yourself, and know that we’re all here rooting and supporting you through this whole process, regardless of the outcome as it relates to cycling.


FWIW, I’ve long wanted to try out curling. Seems like a hell of a fun “sport” especially if there’s beer.



Active Recovery


Active Funery

I know what feeds my soul! :hugs:
Curling can’t even pretend to be hardcore!

YES! Just change that fourth word to ‘cycling’.
Or ‘beer’.
Or ‘doughnuts’.
Or even ‘Full House reruns’, anything but CURLING!!!

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Hahaha i know Terry who films the Hotlines and Cooper who is riding in that one.

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I’ve got plenty of ideas to make it hardcore! Why are throwers allowed to work without distraction (other than beer)? Let’s change that! My first proposal: dodgeball + curling

Coop’s my new role model! Well…when it comes to riding and fashion. :laughing:
(Kudo’s to all those helmet cam guys – necks of steel!)

Plus, more a fan of the Hotline vids than the Monstertrack vids. Sublime vs chaos.

Dodgerock? That’s gonna hurt. Probably also not gonna keep my HR down!

I am getting pretty decent at couch surfing, however… :neutral_face:

That was actually the first name that came to mind, and the defenders had trash can lids, and the offense was throwing rocks, and everyone was in hockey gear…

I personally think you are all underestimating how difficult it would be to curl while moderately intoxicated. I’m sure we could also institute fighting somehow.

Having spent one winter attempting to curl while sober, I can attest to its difficulty. It’d probably be more fun drunk though. I think I still have a knee pad somewhere because my poor knee kept slamming down when I tried to glide after releasing the rock.

Also, @bbarrera I have seen people break their pelvis curling, I think adding in dodgeball is an unnecessary risk :rofl:

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Full hockey gear people, everything is gonna be alright! :crazy_face:

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Allright! Good news - you owe me a vo2 max session buddy - go get it !

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In an attempt to keep my epitaph of physical demise from devolving into some lame low-HR activity thread, I present the final word of the ONLY acceptable combination of curling+hockey gear+beer (p/b doughnuts – just to make it 120% Canuckian!):

Full marks to anyone awesome enough to know the source material.


Looks like my family is doomed. :cloud_with_lightning_and_rain::skull_and_crossbones:

Without divulging personal medical details, my brother went for a stress test and was instructed by his doc to stop racing until the final results are in. Was also advised to start taking baby aspirin and statins. Wtf!

Even more awesome is the fact that our dear olde 80-year old dad who had a triple bypass and does a stress test every year (professional requirement), his doc says his heart is just fine…fine enough that he’s doing a 7-day bike packing ride this summer! Wtf!

The old man with a crappy heart gets to ride but his two overly handsome and amazingly athletic offspring are sidelined?! FML. :man_facepalming:

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I can’t say how intoxication influences one’s curling performance, since I have never tried it without intoxication.


Yeah, I don’t recommend this with your condition!

Especially offshore. Hardest sport on the planet.