Sweet Spot Progression

The progression I have planned is as follows:

  • 2x20 at 85%
  • 2x25 At 85%
  • 2x30 at 85%
  • 2x20 at 90%
  • 1x60 at 85%
  • 2x25 at 90%
  • 2x30 at 90%
  • 1x60 at 90%

I’ll do more than one ride of each workout, so this progression brings me through base and build.

My aim is to keep average heart rate for the 2nd half of each workout to below 85% of max.

And do every other workout at low cadence.

I’ll monitor how things go during my progression, and will tweak things where needed.

I’ll also be doing outside rides (endurance, and mixed intensity rides in the mountains) and some VO2 blocks as I get closer to my races. my goal with the above sweet spot progression is to lower my VLaMax, and improve fatigue resistance.

I’m largely avoiding indoor threshold intervals as a means to prevent overly fatiguing myself. On my outside rides, I’ll be doing sections of those at threshold, so will do some but not a lot of threshold riding.

I’ve based this on the TR plan builder recommendation, and replaced the TR sweet spot (Which tend to be at intensities approaching threshold) and threshold rides with the above progrsssion.

This is a lot more sweet spot than last season, when I noticed my fatigue resistance on longer rides was lacking vs prior years.

Will see how things go with this approach.