Regret of failed race move, how to learn and move on?

I’ll tell you how I deal with those types of memories: they bother the f**k out of me from the moment they happen until this very day. If you’re on a ride with me I’ll whine about it when we ride past the spot. Sometimes when I’m in the middle of a time trial I’ll think about those missed opportunities. I have dreams about them. It bugs the shyte out of me.

So I would advise you that, mentally, your reaction is right on.

Start with the notion that the problem wasn’t your tactic, it was your fitness. 648W for 1:10 needs to be 675W. Or 650 for 1.5 minutes.

Now, the next time you’re at the end of a block and you think you might want to skip today’s workout…or the next time you’re on the last interval and you’d like to backpedal…imagine you’re right back at that m-effin’ spot 150m from the damn finish without the legs to close the deal. Is that what you want? That shitty feeling? Or do you want to finish the g-d damned interval? Which is it?