Realistic FTP for 68 year old male

Recently turned 62 in August. Was a runner for years until just felt too much wear and tear on my joints. Started on a peleton bike in 2018, don’t race but have done my own structured training, did 4-5 hours a week in endurance zone below LT I and one VO2 max session a week. Just got a new bike and a wahoo kickr and thought I would try TrainerRoad. No plan but do TrainNow learn new ways to do VO2 max along with trying some tempo/sweet spot. My ramp test gave me an FTP of 282 which is about what I thought. I’m 163 pounds so that is around 3.8 watts per kilo. Goal is to get to 300W. What plan would work best for me if I decide to use one of the plans? Thanks