Plan Builder for Masters Age Athletes [Feature Request]

Is this likely to actually happen by New Year as I now have the 2021 TT dates for my area in the UK and I don’t really want to do the planning twice if waiting a couple of weeks will allow masters planning.

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It doesn’t look like it.

I would definitely make your plan! It’s easy to make changes once the feature is released. :+1:


Not a vote of confidence to say it is just around the corner.


It is! Again, Im not able to provide a timeline, so why would I want an athlete to potentially delay the start of their training?

Lets make sure this thread stays constructive to the original Feature Request, questions about plans and modifications, or for the team to post updates.
Contributions apart from that aren’t going to make us want to shortcut our process or ask our developers to cut corners. We’re working hard to make the most effective and impactful feature release possible, and as aforementioned, that timeline can change as new problems arise.
Thanks all for your patience moving forward! We’re working hard for you as our athletes. :love_you_gesture:


Just wondering when the over 50’s features that was promised a long time ago will appear.

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Hi, George. Moved your topic to the relative thread. We will post an update in this thread when updates are available to share! :+1:


I’m doing the same thing with SSB LV using MV workouts. Went through SSB 1 without a break, and was just a bit too much, so I’m taking a recovery week every 3rd wk. Age 66.

You’re a gentleman and a scholar. TR should offer you some free years for the effort you put in on the forum.

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You are very welcome! Happy anytime I can help anyone around here.

Thanks for the props too :smiley: TR treats me very well even though I’m not an official employee. :+1:


They gave @mcneese.chad a paid cycling vacation! He deserves it and TR recognizes it.


I’m trying to get back and then improve after a pinned hip and a number of weeks off. At 56 I found the low volume SSB2 and sustained power build not completable without dialing way back on %. In sustained power build I had to go to 93%, to complete workouts and be able to complete following workout.


I think I heard on the last podcast that a big update was coming out between Christmas and the new year?

I think this is where things stand…

  1. Thing 1 is not announced yet. Thing 2 was Group Workouts that accelerated due to COViD.

  2. Masters/50+ plans or some form of variation that allows older athletes to have modified training is coming. Be patient.

  3. An announcement is coming when Nate is back. Sounded like it would be this week. Not sure if it’s related to 1 or 2 above, big or little.

  4. Coach Chad has been busy (as told my Nate).

Chad McN, Ivy or Nate, please correct anything I have gotten wrong.

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I hope it is coming soon… a good portion of users are probably master’s racers, they deserve to have their own plans. I’m 53 and just coming off a knee replacement. In my late 40’s I could handle mid and high volume but now it just kills me. Low volume isn’t enough but mid a bit high so I have changed the wednesday workouts to taku or something about 30 minutes at ~50% FTP. I also change the sunday workouts to an 2+ hour endurance ride. So far it seems to be working.



So what was that thing 1 announced for 2020? Did I miss it, or did it get pushed to 2021? I’ve to admit I didn’t listen to the latest podcast yet, but there was nothing special on the agenda…

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Don’t get moderated like I did for counting down the days!


Yes, very dangerous to put up a number.

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