Just here for empathy
46yr old male…. Took a noticeable haircut this year in many ways. Eyes, fat storage/burn, sustained power output, and recovery all took a noticeable hit all at once - which studies have backed.
Anyway… what a drag it is getting old.
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So iv just stuck on a patch of evorel. Having been prescribed HRT, after being diagnosed with PMDD…. My doc tried to give me sertraline anti depressant but I declined, having learned my lesson from the Citalopram. I am hopeful this steady dose of hormone will help (period arrived today so felt a huge relief despite the pain) I also have progesterone tablets to start at day 14 u til day 26. During the danger weeks as I call them. This last fortnight has been especially bad and taken me to a dark place mentally (I do have a history of mental health as I am auDhd, although interesting the doc said that neurodivergent people do suffer more with PMDD as we are more sensitive … this is something I had never considered before yet makes absolute sense now… and also why the anti depressants never work !) anyways . Here’s hoping for some relief .and getting back to training and maybe even a training plan again!