Other Podcast Recommendations (non-TR) 2018-19

Recent FasCat podcast has some discussion of training loads and ramp rates for masters cyclists.

May be of general interest to the folks asking for Trainer Road Masters specific plans.

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There are a number in addition to the popular one listed already that I’ve recently found:

The Dialed Podcast, mostly cycling with some triathlon as well

EVOQ.BIKE with Brendan Housler, very short tips with good food for thought, and some good interviews

Coach Cast, yes, it’s Training Peaks oriented, but still useful…sometimes

The Two Johns, not that kind of john, good cycling talk

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Maybe it’s upthread somewhere… Chris Horner’s “butterfly effect” on You Tube series is fun. Frequent race recaps and what the world tour knuckleheads did right and wrong in terms of tactics.

Most recent podcast is Flèche Wallonne: Does Primoz Need More Experience? | La Flèche Wallonne '21 Analysis | The Butterfly Effect - YouTube

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Been enjoying @brendanhousler EVOQ podcast.
Nice interviews and insights


Agreed, that last interview with James Piccoli was amazing!


Any recommendations for specific FasCat episodes that are memorable/good?

I’ve just listened to a few of (and subscribed to) their pod, and it seems like one I’d really like but it feels a teeny bit more infomercial than information so far. I have high hopes though.

Still get the most from TR. I’m back listening from the start again :man_facepalming::rofl:. Just about to listen to Nate’s Leadville Race Report. There is so much awesome race prep/banter/competitiveness flowing through from when they did the Gran Fondo’s, ST6, then TT, Leadville, Road Racing. Can’t wait for the crew to all get back racing again.

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There’s one on masters CTL that I enjoyed, but I guess that depends on your age.

Also one on masters recovery.


Thanks, I’m literally listening to that one right now. I’m not up to play with all the WKO terminology but I think I’m following along well enough.

I listened to his “how I invented Sweet Spot one” too. Plus the Ian Boswell one.

There are a lot of entries in this thread, and I haven’t reviewed them all. I apologize if any of my suggestions are repetitive.

Behind the Bastards: From the Apple Podcast site: “There’s a reason the History Channel has produced hundreds of documentaries about Hitler but only a few about Dwight D. Eisenhower. Bad guys (and gals) are eternally fascinating. Behind the Bastards dives in past the Cliffs Notes of the worst humans in history and exposes the bizarre realities of their lives. Listeners will learn about the young adult novels that helped Hitler form his monstrous ideology, the founder of Blackwater’s insane quest to build his own Air Force, the bizarre lives of the sons and daughters of dictators and Saddam Hussein’s side career as a trashy romance novelist.”

The Dan John Podcast: Dan John is to lifting and throwing what Coach Chad is to cycling. Plenty of wise, useful information; mostly lifting-related, but there are some good life lessons interjected as well.

FoundMyFitness: Although it can get a bit technical at times, Dr. Rhonda Patrick never fails to provide helpful health and nutrition information, gleaned from the latest studies and broken down into layman’s terms.

Dan Carlin’s Hardcore History: Although most episodes are quite lengthy and require some commitment, Dan is a master storyteller. My kids have accused me of sneaking “history lessons” in when I play these podcasts on car trips, but when I offer to turn it off, they are always quick to decline. Great stuff.


This is one of the best podcasts of all times. I’m serious. Dan Carlin promoted podcasts before the name podcast was coined.

Here are a few others:

  • 99 % Invisible: they explore very weird small niche things and manage to make it super interesting. Typically, there is a design aspect involved.
  • Criminal: bite-of-life stories with a relation to crime, although not always in the obvious way.
  • Pantsuit Politics: this is US politics podcast of two centrist women. They invite experts on the show and explain the context rather than just giving you their opinion. This is not your typical politics show. If you are in your 30s or 40s, it is perfect, the after show includes lots of parenting topics and the like.
  • Pivot: a podcast at the intersection of tech and business. I’m not a business person, but they’re covering the big topics from people who know their stuff.
  • Undisclosed: this is the podcast if you like true crime stories being covered in depth.

Pretty late to this, and I’m biased because I’m a co-host, but some friends and I started a podcast last year on cycling fashion and aesthetics. Seems to have hit a bit of nerve with cyclists as there aren’t really any shows that specifically talk about kit. It’s called Cycling Fashion Week and you can listen here: Spotify

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The Everesting podcast has everything you need to know and inspire you to do your first or next Everesting attempt. Interesting stuff even if you’re not contemplating Everesting.

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I agree, it’s a good series. And he doesn’t mince words when he thinks teams or racers are doing dumb things. Pretty refreshing.

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Ben Fosters podcast and YouTube channel is tops.


Jonathan keeps saying that the TR podcast is second in the cycling podcasts on Spotify. Which is number one?

It’s often that guy who didn’t win 7 TDF


FasCat had a recent podcast addressing periodization and breaking plateaus.


New additions to my feed:

Bonk Bros - Dylan Johnson and friends. They are young and a bit hipster/like to be edgy but it’s a fun listen.

Geraint Thomas Cycling Club. Very professional. Lots of really awesome cycling guests. Geraint has some pretty awesome contacts within British cycling and on the World Tour as you can imagine.

Watts Occuring. Geraint and Luke Rowe talking shit about the racing. Another fun one.

Social Distance Podcast - George Bennet, Sam Beweley, Jonesy. Couple of Antipodean World Tour cyclists and a World Tour Cyclist adjacent shit talker. Mostly talk rubbish really. Interesting but the humour may not hit with the non English/AUS/Kiwi listeners (not sure :man_shrugging:).

OffRoads InRoads - Andrew Lesperance and Haley Smith. Mostly doing post race interviews etc around the Lifetime Series.

Ha! I was on Rich’s podcast years ago. Super nice guy. I had never heard of him and he asked if I’d be on his show, I didn’t fancy driving out to his studio so he drove to my place (was over an hour drive). He has quite the story!

Episode # please. Would love to give it a listen. Good man that Rich Roll!