Older Underperformer

So many of these issues are related to, or at least could be mitigated by reducing, your weight.

I’d honestly set aside a specific training goal and focus on your weight. Short training info - stay low to mid volume and stick to base plans, don’t do builds.

Weight focus needs to come in the kitchen, and not be based on a foundation of burning more calories on the bike. There are a ton of things in this forum about diet advice and how to run a caloric deficit. Read through those and come up with something that works for you in a long term sustainable manner

Think of your diet as the food you’re eating for the rest of your life, not the pop-culture definition of diet where its a short term calorie reduction that you can ‘surge’ through for 30 days (or 60 or 90). Build that diet on a foundation of healthy whole foods that are nutrient dense.

If you drop your weight so many of your issues/complaints/desires will get a ton easier and you can refocus your training at that point