Oh, Ebbetts Nice to Meet You

I am in the same boat. Just started SSB2MV this week (did SSB1MV as my first TR plan), Ebbetts yesterday. I had to play around with timing a bit to find the sweet spot, but settled on slowing my cadence just a few rpm over the 30 secs leading up to the sprint, and then starting my sprint wind-up about 1 second before the interval started. Seemed to consistently get me above target, though I would overshoot by a fair amount. Tried to slowly bring cadence back down to avoid undershooting after the sprint.

I’m on a Kickr in Erg mode, not power matching. Your specific trainer might play a role in how it ramps those shorter bursts, but 1 second early seemed to work for me.

Congrats on the gains, I ended up with a 25w FTP boost as well (205->230) and found Ebbetts to be a decent workout at the new power, but nothing too rough.

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