New TR feature - FTP estimate - thoughts

That’s how it works. Gets put into a queue for another microservice to process that independently scales.


I’m setting a firm deadline for you Nate. And the consequences will be dire. This needs to be done by March 1st. If I have to take my ramp test on 3/1, I will be not happy. I will give the podcast an app a lowly 4 star review.


Yes! And not write a comment explaining how to make it better! That will teach them! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Hopefully it’s up by Tuesday :pleading_face:


Disagree that you need all out efforts. I’ve done the following multiple times.

A few days before doing a 20 minute assessment, I’ve been able to do threshold intervals at my current set FTP value and adjust the power manually after 5 minutes based on HR and RPE. 10 minutes to 20 minutes was enough time.

Then I did the TR 20 minute test afterwards and I was +/- 1 or 2 watts. Just as good as any other estimate.

So really, you only NEED (In my opinion) to do maximal efforts or tests after breaks in training. But when I consistently train, it seems there are other ways to keep gauging set points.

I’m not saying it’s the holy grail or that it’s a better way than any other estimation method. But unless you go to a lab and are getting a physical variable tested. All these means are estimations.

I like this comparison, my eFTP from outside is generally 10-15% higher than inside. Different bike, whole body effort, race and group ride energy, etc. I’ve accepted that there’s a difference. In Jonathan’s language, I can “express” more of my power outside.

My eFTP from ICU is pretty consistent, for outside. And regardless of an extremely variable year, my ramp tested indoor ftp has never varied more than 6%. Hence, each completed ramp test has felt like a wasted training opportunity. I agree with Hannah on this, and look forward to seeing the early access toggle appear.

As someone who restarts training more than follows training, I feel like I do more ramp tests than workouts!!

But I’ve just been doing what “Coach” tells me:

“ do the ramp, you missed the ramp, do the ramp. I’m not going away until you do the ramp.” Gah!


Other people that I ride with. If I break about what my ftp is, they being stickers for data accuracy will be forced to randomly test me and if I fail I gave sure consequences. What do you mean that isn’t reality?


Do another workout or ride, and associate it with the ramp test.

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Two questions:

  1. Is the estimation process based of completion and (survey) feedback from hard(-ish) workouts or (or and/or) TSS over the last weeks/months?
  2. If TSS was a factor, wouldn’t be outdoor rides (aka unstructured endurance rides) be a necessary resource for AT to know?

I mean, I personally had the best results in raising my ftp by doing a ton (well, 7h is much for me …) of z2 - tempo with zero hard efforts (right now Im back on a low volume plan, because 1st time, and 2nd … fun… z2 and low tempo day in day out can be mentally exhausting as well)
So I would assume some kind of TSS accumulation has to be part of the estimate, no?

Wondering if the estimation uses other metrics that don’t directly give much benefit to look at like:

Run zwift at the same time? I’m currently trying to listen to podcasts to learn while doing endurance workouts but find my cadence drops

It’s like med student evaluations: “Fantastic student. 3/5”


LOL, Great work, just do better :wink:

Oh, man, can I identify – twin brothers of different mothers! Except I don’t do the ramps… :flushed:

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Any idea when?


I’m one of those lucky individuals God smiled upon who “overtest” so I only get an usable FTP if I pull the plug before that last, partial, excruciating step during the ramp test.

I am still holding out hope it drops before my Feb 14 ramp test, but I’m beginning to resign myself to one more test lol

Can’t stop refreshing that “early access” page… :exploding_head: :exploding_head:


I have a ramp today… sigh…

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I bumped my FTP estimate 11-W yesterday (287 > 298), following my last block, instead of doing a ramp test… and jumped right back into a good VO2 workout (4x 4-min at 106%) as part of my polarized plan. I nailed all four with what I’d say was 3/5 effort. If I get through the rest of the workouts for the week without feeling like I’m destroyed or building too much fatigue, I’d say I did good with the estimate and will keep going from there with whatever AT throws at me. I’m looking forward to seeing what A-FTP would have me at though, so I’ll throw a ramp test in or whatever the push-function is when it becomes available… in the meantime, just keeping on training.

All the code is on our production website now and ready to go.

We’re waiting for Apple to approve the app updates. So it will go like this: Beta app → Get some rides on there to make sure we didn’t break anything → Production.

My unofficial estimate is that it will come out next week in early access. If there is a delay in Apple approval then it would be the week after that.

FYI, this will only be able to be triggered from the app via ramp test at first. You won’t be able to do it on the web during this first early access release.