More than 2 months and FTP Falling…What’s going on?

Prior to TR I followed a coach’s plan which would be similar timewise to a LV plan on the turbo and supplemented it with one hard and one leisurely weekend outside rides and got good success. Initially when I joined TR circa Aug 2020 I was doing a MV plan but dropping the weekend sessions when covid allowed group riding. When I got into the AT system circa Jan 2021 TR support advised me to go on to a LV plan to get TR to calculate correctly and supplement the weekend as before rather than replacing. TBH I could do with doing a new FTP test, ramp tests don’t work for me I’d have to do a 20mins test or similar, but I’ve been happy with the value I’ve got perceived effort wise (with slight tweaks through the season), the pbs I was getting through the season and decided to avoid the extra TSS that might hamper it, FTP is only one metric anyway, results are a more important metric to me. In summary, a similar timewise plan to a LV one with supplemented outdoors rides worked for me and similarly the LV plan again supplemented with outdoors rides works for me too, so I don’t see it as useless :wink:

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