Iñigo San Millán training model

Unfortunately The Cog was removed from the forum, I believe , some time ago.

You should start a new topic.

I probably knew that but have forgotten .

@AJS914 I am not really interested in someone solving my training error but more in a general view of what is wrong with that approach. No one can know my whole life and things that might be wrong. But if there is more people with the same experience it is either the same training error or this approach doesn’t work very well (this = minimal day to day variance of training time).

I’m no expert so I asked ChatGpt.
I hope this opens ok.https://chatgpt.com/c/66daab9e-742c-8013-a8e9-b5aa47fdda7e

Hi, resurrecting this as I’d be interested in some details around the block to lift power at that hr.
How many sessions per week do you dedicate to this z2/tempo riding and do you also have some intensity sessions during that block?
Do you extend this type of training over multible blocks even?

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I usually do 2 sessions of tempo a week and one weekend group ride around 4hrs. The other days are z2 or z1 depending on how I feel. Typically it will start with 2-3 20 min intervals and I will extend those each or every other week or to 30mins, 40, etc… assuming I’m feeling good.

I use HR to determine the fitness and bump up the power. Once I have a steady HR for a 60min interval, I know it’s safe to rinse, and repeat the intervals although at a slightly higher power.

Do that for a few months and add in a couple weeks of 2x 5x5’s or similar at 110-120% and you will be flying.

The problem with this type of training is that it’s boring and can usually only be done on a trainer and alone. You want to keep the environment consistent if you’re watching HR.

If don’t follow Brandon McNulty on strava, I recommend you follow him and check out his current training. It’s very similar!
