How far in advance do you set goals and adapt training towards it?

How far in advance do you set goals and adapt training towards it?

Is it too far to set myself a goal to do an event in 12 months and start planning phases with that goal in mind? I’d look at setting myself mini goals along the way but with that one main event in 12 months time?

Typical TR plan is:

  • Base for 12 weeks
  • Build for 8 weeks
  • Specialty for 8 weeks
  • Total of 28 weeks.

If you plan to do more than that out, they often recommend doing these 2 additional phases prior to your main plan above:

  • Base for 12 weeks
  • Build for 8 weeks

So that would be a full 40 weeks out. They don’t recommend much more than that because you are looking at a very large chunk of time with tight focus. It can lead to over-training or burnout for may riders as it becomes very demanding.

With the above, they also suggest a gap between the two major sections, with more fun and less structured training. It serves as a reset to keep you fresh and pointed in the right direction. Doing so could add 1-2 weeks between the 28 and 12 weeks above, for a total of 42 weeks.

Prior to either the simple 28 or full 40+ combo, I’d say it’s best to keep it easier and fun. There is plenty of time to get super serious later.

Here is another posts with great info as well: