Homemade Recovery Drink Recipe?

I have trouble getting calories in, especially eating solids (I fill up quick), so post ride/workout I do better with a smoothie. I call it The Kitchen Sink. I don’t really measure anything, but it’s roughly:
8-10 oz cold water
frozen berries ~1/2 to 3/4 cup (strawberry/banana, rasp-, blue-, blackberries)
spoonful of coconut oil
scoop (tablespoon?) MCT powder
2 scoops sugar free vanilla whey powder
heaping spoonful (or two) peanut butter
a scoop of “super greens” (powdered veg mix)
a scoop of “gut assist” (glutamine and other stuff for gut health)

all dumped into The Big Giant Cup (large plastic cup with handle), shove a blend wand down to the bottom, cover the top with my hand and hit the “high” power button. No clue how many calories, but it tastes good and goes down without coming back up