Heat Training Risks, Cramping, Losing Fitness and More – Ask a Cycling Coach 217

I read the linked deeper dive into sauna sessions, but would be interested in knowing more about the adaptations, advantages/disadvantages of training in the heat (as opposed to heat training). I live in the desert where our summer temps are consistently over 100 degrees, overnight lows in the 80s & 90s. I ride outdoors year round, I notice such a difference in recovery from summer rides. For example doing the same weekend 3-4 hour group ride in February Vs August, same efforts on the ride but I’m pretty useless all day after those summer rides. I trained for endurance events such as Crusher and Leadville though the summer this year, sometimes getting done with rides when temps were well over 100, I did notice that I got “used to” long rides in the heat but was curious if the positive benefits of training in the heat (ex plasma volume) are negated by the fatigue and/or lower quality of those rides?