First two train now workouts...pretty easy...what am I doing wrong?

This is the problem. It doesn’t matter what TR thinks your FTP is, if you haven’t been doing workouts, it won’t have an idea of what your level is at each of the energy systems and start you off with ridiculously easy workouts.

If you get yourself into some workouts that seem challenging and succeed, it will more quickly update your progression levels for the energy systems and you will have better recommendations.

I just faced a similar issue, after a summer of riding outdoors, or doing manual workouts on my own indoors, all my progression levels were at 1 so despite a new all time best FTP test, the workouts were going to be waaaay too easy on my adaptive training “plan builder” plan, so I manually changed them to workouts I knew were more challenging but achievable, and am now much more quickly getting appropriate recommendations.

You’ll get there eventually with more data, but it only knows as you succeed at various progression levels, whether you are able to do them or not.

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