Finally concluded that I need help turning my life around

heck yeah! This is awesome. Kudos to you for wanting to make a change!

I would start by trying to change your eating habits; go in the grocery store and only eat the foods from the perimeter; fruits, veggies, lean meats, etc.

If there are friends that you tend to eat poorly with, don’t eat with them.

Training…just find an activity that you like doing; do you like lifting? Go to the gym? Do you like riding? Start biking. Maybe running. Whatever it is, try to find something that is beyond just a means to losing weight.

Do you have a friend that can join you on the journey so that you keep each other accountable?

Keep us posted!! You’ll get there. Be patient, and work hard at it. It won’t be easy, but it will be so worth it.

I lost 35lb and there are good days and bad days. You’ll find your way to success and reach out when you need help.