Fed up with TR and the calendar

Everyone has an opinion, and in the interest of being the dissenting opinion to this discussion, I must say that I love the calendar. I don’t use the app on my MacBook, but I use the calendar and ride analysis every single day. I was a Training Peaks user for over 15 years (I still have an account, if only because I have 15 years of data there…) and I am very pleased with the new Calendar, and I look forward to the new releases the guys cook up. There is the occasional hiccup, and not everyone will love everything (you are of course welcome to go off and take your anger to fuel your creativity and create a whole new product that functions EXACTLY the way you want it to.)

One thing that really, really irritates me is when you kids say things like “Angry User, will cancel my subscription!”. “I will stop reading this (free) forum if you don’t do exactly what I want!”

Dude. Take your ball and go home then, but don’t continually THREATEN to do it just to get what you want, Its churlish.

If you’re going to do that, at least make it entertaining for the rest of us and and just threaten (or actually do) hold your breath til you get what you want.

Theres a whole slew of feature request threads already as well as a “feature-request” tag and sub. I suggest that you go there, lodge your issue, and wait for the inevitable and almost always timely response from the crew.