Feature request: Percent of FTP instead of Watts (% of FTP)

Yes. I think that is what I’m saying. As the wattage gets higher it becomes more intimidating. It might be easier to just see that this is a 120% interval. It’s the same 120 each time even if the watts are different.

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Count me in the “I don’t care” camp. I use Erg mode, whatever TR wants me to do, the trainer forces me to do. I spend more time looking at cadence than power. I know what % FTP I’m supposed to be at - rule #1, understand why you are doing a workout, right? So those VO2Max intervals are at 120%, and that recovery at a low number you don’t care about, and those over-unders at 95% and 105% (or maybe 110%), and so on.

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… so, if you don’t mind me saying, @russell.r.sage Apply rule 5. Toughen up. If you are operating at that FTP and TR says that is the power to train at, then don’t look at it. As @rocourteau and I do, we just concentrate on our cadence and look at the time left. That is it. Focus and just do it. I let erg mode and TR sort out the rest. (Ok I do look at power and check my FTP/% chart at the start of the session, but the rest is just focusing on delivering… this interval at this time… now)

I am being blunt, sorry, but why ask for a feature when you recognise the real issue is in your head. I know that sounds harsh, and please take this constructively, but if that is the FTP and the power for that TR session, and you do actually find yourself struggling, just knock it down 3-5% and carry on. Or, as I occasionally do, I have a bad day - abandon half way through and when I am feeling more dynamic in the next week, I return to that session and aim to smash it. And I usually do.

You should be chuffed you are now training at this power level. Not being intimidated by it.

Also, don’t be a hostage to the power you see. The BIGGEST lesson I learned Time trialling in my first year last year, was doing a two-up. My partner was just a bit faster and more experienced than me. i was determined to stay on his wheel, especially as the course got quite hard with a long hill towards the end. I was blowing out of several orifices, but I realised afterwards that the power (and pain) I could sustain was much higher and I could suffer much more than I realised previously… I was concentrating on his wheel and thinking “Damn, I will have to ignore these power figures and just dig in, and my ego would not let me be dropped”… (We won the two-up trophy.)

Another alternative. Go out for a real world ride and hide your power meter display. Just ride hard at hills and give it a darn good push. Maybe tootle between them. Then see what you actually put out. Don’t be limited by what you think you can do. You might be surprised.

I only suggest this because this is how I realised I could do power outputs I did not realise I could. Some of my highest short sprint powers are from the velodrome where I have absolutely no numeric input apart from laps and the distance to the wheel in front. They surprise and please me.

I hope this helps and you take it in the positive way it is intended.

Blimey. We only said we wanted to see % of FTP instead of watts. We didn’t expect some kind of Spanish Inquisition…


Didn’t know I had started one either.

no one expects the Spanish inquisition…
Amongst our weapons are

  • fear,
  • surprise
  • and a phenomenally aero helmet! :slight_smile:

Oh and a fanatical devotion to TraainerRoad (of course)

Wha??? “If I don’t mind you saying?” Of course I mind you saying. You know nothing about me. This was a feature request by someone and I think it could add value. You have no right to judge me. Next time you try to provide “constructive criticism,” dont, you clearly don’t understand the concept.


Rule #1,2


I like the request and would like the option of displaying either or both.

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Deep breath everyone, pause and reset.

We can and should discuss the suggestion, its potential pros and cons and possible alternatives.

But avoid telling other people what they should or should not do with their info, their own riding or their heads. The rule #5 and other comments are not beneficial to the progress of this topic.


Relative values are more interesting always, imo

Another better way to use this is when looking for your 5 min power for example, 318W don’t tell you much but that you can spend 5 min at 127%… tells you a little more about if your VO2max is trained or not. Comparing that value with your PR or last season PR (on a different ftp) tells you even more.


OK Apologies., Wasn’t trying to offend. Just trying to help with the head stuff that you lead with. All withdrawn.

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I wonder if he has seen this topic. Seems like he might not have seen this thread and the reasons for the request. Can we link this thread to him?

That’s a little disappointing. Oh well.

I am fairly certain that @Bryce has seen this thread and will have added it to their user wish list already.

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I have shared this thread with the team through our documentation process, however, Nate likely had not had the time to review this feature request at the time he posted that statement. You all have made valid points about how it would change aspects of the workout, and I will continue to update our document as more points are raised.

And as always, if this is something you want to happen, comment here on the thread :slight_smile: . The more support we see, the higher priority a request will become.


we all have a few% FTP scales, with them we train. Those scales are always the same, only FTP changes. It is logical that there are people who train watching% FTP instead of pure watts


I would like this as well, primarily because I’m using proscribed workouts (tridot) and it’s based on pcts. But I think most use the tr designed workouts so it’s not likely a high priority for the team. I would just create workouts but for some reason I can’t launch the tool from my laptop and you can’t create via iPhone or iPad. For now I have to figure out my targets and write them down beforehand.

i see someone has already mentioned that Wahoo does %ftp (including with smoothing), but you can also on Wahoo Elements use the top coloured LEDs to be your power zones.