Does skipping the ramp test sabotage my adaptive training plan?

I haven’t done a ramp test since sometime in early summer, maybe even late spring. I’ve switched to the 20 minute test since I am much heavier on the longer duration ability, Ramp test seems to have me training almost a full zone lower than the zones that result from the 20 minute test.

I haven’t done any kind of FTP assesment since August I think since my A events are ultra distance my focus isn’t driving my power up and staying in the 4-6 PL range, I’m looking to drive my Threshold and SS PL’s into the 8+ range to try and foster the muscular endurance needed to complete 200+ mile events.

AT has worked perfect for this, It won’t adapt a new block until you pass the point where the ftp assesment is scheduled, then bam, it will adapt every workout for the next 3-5 weeks.