Death Ride / Triple Bypass preparation - Climbing plan recommendation

I am about ~3W/KG. I hope this 18 weeks base plan will push me beyond 3.15

I still have 3 weeks of Fascat remaining and that is mostly VO2 work.
Once I am done with that plan I will have almost 10 + 2 weeks remaining to do something to build.
Yes I was thinking either Sustained Build plan from TR or Fascat climbing plan or my own plan which I wrote above.
I live in flat land so no climbs nearby.
I am not really fast but I have endurance. For what matters I have done rides like 200 miles, 400 miles in one go (Audax) with lot of climbing like 10000 ft. That time I use to live near hills to do all hill work.
I am hoping to complete the ride in 10 to 10:30 hours with almost 2 hours breaks (4 to 5 breaks each 2 hours).
Fulgaz has all those climbs so I am planning to ride those before hand couple times.

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