Cyclist to 70.3

Of course, that’s what makes it fun!

With that said, a couple of disorganised thoughts:

  • The TR tri plans are a good starting point for a first 70,3, but they do assume a certain level of base fitness for the swim and run, so I wouldn’t start with one right out of the gate if you haven’t been doing both with relative frequency for a couple of months. I’d probably want to build to at least 3-4 per week for each, be able to swim ~1500m comfortably and have a few 60-75min long runs in the bank to make sure you can complete the workouts sustainably (a beginner sprint/oly plan in the interim can give you some guidance here)

  • If possible. plan for a couple of shorter tris before the 70.3- small issues in equipment and pacing can easily derail a long-course race, so the more experience and/or issues you can identify early on the better!

  • Local clubs can be a great resource- mine runs a lot of race simulation type sessions and a yearly beginner program that is really helpful for the ‘other stuff’ like transitions and open water swimming, as well as being great for general advice and picking up used gear on the cheap.

  • Get good running shoes- you don’t need to drop hundreds, but getting something relatively reputable/durable that fits your stride well will save you a lot of issues down the road. Running stores are a good starting point, especially if they let you test out a few pairs to see what feels good.

  • The Short Course Tri and Ironman threads are pretty active and have a ton of good stuff!