Cycling Memes and Jokes

We should come up with a new measuring system for biking, like they have in aviation and on the sea
we already have some in place,
“he lost by one tire-width or bike length”
one tire width is 25mm
one bike-lenght is 75 tire widths
one peloton is 50 bike-lenghts
then we move over to century bike-lenghts and so on.

Weight will be based on inner-tubes
one bike-weight is 80 inner tubes

volume is based on bottles

and so on.
Maybe the UCI or the UN can work on this


With the trend of ever wider tires, does that mean that the peloton keeps getting smaller? :thinking:


I feel it’s up to the UN to decide if the unit of length should be updated with the changes of trends and “standards”.
Much like the 6.8kg rule (or now “68 innertubes rule”) - it would have to be a product of the time the rule is invented in my opinion.
Example a 2,5" mtb tire is now 3 tire withs.


100g innertube :fearful:
That‘s so un-weight-weenie…


you are right, but for the wrong reason.
100g ?
should be more like 78,3g - and have NOTHING to do with the metric system.
and a bike weight should always be based on the 6,8 rule
so if an inner tube is 78,3g
a bike weight is ALWAYS 86,84546615581098 inner tubes.



It seems the Canadian and British systems are pretty similar - other than the use of the fahrenheit system for anything at all - that stuffs crazy.


I’ve rarely seen a truer truth!

To be fair, us brits for temperature use C if it’s cold and F if it’s hot! That way we can moan when temp gets over 90 or 100 degrees and equally moan when it falls below zero!!!


I hate it when the weather goes above 100C or below 0F. Not great for riding really!


Only the elderly do this in my experience :wink:

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This is mostly right on. The only part I don’t recognize is the distance/short/work/non-work part. There’s a whole “is it construction-related” branch missing - all that is imperial. The pool temp part is one of the notable weird things. Cooking is largely influenced by US cookbooks and stoves - only recently have stoves began to offer an option for metric temperature.

Reminds me of Bob & Doug McKenzie converting to metric. C to F = “double it and add 30”, so 6 beers = 42 beers in metric.


True dat! The pool is indeed the weirdest part.

Serious question: what is an 8-foot long 2x4 called in metric?

And why is a “2x4” not 2x4?!? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


It’s a Nate

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I wouldn’t have the beginning of a clue. And of course, a 2x4 does not measure 2 nor 4, but the 8ft is 8ft, so there’s that.


Rule 24

Speeds and distances shall be referred to and measured in kilometers. This includes while discussing cycling in the workplace with your non-cycling coworkers, serving to further mystify our sport in the web of their Neanderthalic cognitive capabilities. As the confused expression spreads across their unibrowed faces, casually mention your shaved legs. All of cycling’s monuments are measured in the metric system and as such the English system is forbidden.


Hey. The people in Puerto Rico is the same!
Gas is sold by the liter.
Roads are marked by the KM. Directions use KM.
Speed laws are based on miles.
Weight is pounds…



Sending this to my friends in Puerto Rico.
This chart is the exact same thing over there!

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