I asked that question about bubble wrap: Would helium filled bubble wrap make shipping cheaper.
Yeah, no… The size of a box that would have enough helium bubble wrap would be so large the size alone would kick it to another level. It really wouldn’t be worth it, sadly, in the long, or short run. World stores of helium are supposed to be limited so it would also be at a huge price. It’s like buying that one item just to get free shipping. How often does that workout well. How many times do people spend more than the cost of shipping thinking they are getting a deal.
That 255 number is so interesting, seems like it can’t be right but what does the guy with ADHD know about hobby budgets…
Showed meme to GF this morning and she laughed, said I need new gravel shoes and they will be at least that and got a hard eyeroll. Pointed to the nalgene on the counter I bought in 2008 (weirdly had looked it up the other day) asked how many water bottles she’s bought in the 10+ years we’ve been together, she did the meme face above and walked out.
This isn’t a cheap hobby but people spend a lot of money on a lot of things they just claim aren’t hobbies.
If the study’s objective is to represent the overall population and the study is properly conducted, the average also includes tons of people who, sadly, have very little income and spend near-zero on hobbies because they’re struggling to keep abreast of food, shelter, medical care, and basic needs. That large demographic brings the number down quite a bit.
Everybody can have a hobby, but not everybody can spend money on it.