COVID Vaccine Shots and Training

48 hours after first Moderna shot, arm soreness almost gone. Did aerobic ride on trainer this morning and felt normal, HR was in normal range as was the HRV alpha 1.
Seems like the 2nd shot will likely be more interesting :slight_smile:

M/36. Second shot of Pfizer about 1.5 hours ago and feeling ok (wiill update tomorrow). I felt ok after the first shot, except for some arm soreness for about 24 hours.


I am getting my first shot early next week. I am well prepared to take an easy week if I feel any effects, but obviously I would prefer not to feel terrible. On that note, I’m wondering what to do if you get the shot and don’t feel any major side effects?
There’s obviously an immune response to help your body build against the virus, so would you do yourself potential harm by training even if you don’t feel anything? I obviously have no idea how I will feel, but I’m curious whether you should try and avoid hard training regardless or if it’s only symptom based. As in, even if you don’t feel any symptoms, is your body going through enough that you should still back off? Or is it purely symptom based?

Not a medical doctor, but I think at least an additional day off is smart regardless.

I got this far, I can put off training a day or two to let my immune system do its thing. My body will likely enjoy a few days off the bike to recover from training anyway.

Got the second Pfizer dose about 8hrs ago and feel completely fine. If I feel anything, I’m not expecting to feel it until tonight / tomorrow.


Just had my first Moderna shot in WA state. One good bit of news to share.

I had my shot at a Costco. The technician told me that he had already scheduled my second shot for 4 weeks out, at the same time. I was very pleasantly surprised, as I had not hear about that. He said Costco decided to make it policy. Makes a ton of sense, as otherwise, I’d be back in the scheduling roulette game.

I don’t know whether that’s truly a corporate policy, local, TBD. But, worth checking out as removing the hassle of the second dose is a huge win.


I received my 2nd Pfizer yesterday.

A day later and I feel 100%. I barely even have a sore arm, which I did 12-hours later w my 1st dose.

I just completed Carter +2 (45 min of Sweet Spot / IF .84) and feel great.

I want to put in a plug for taking care to be well rested and recovered going into your vaccine, and not just afterwards. I’m not sure if this was a factor in how I feel now, but I did scratch my workout yesterday to give me two days of rest going into my vaccine. I also prioritized good sleep the few nights before hand and made sure I was on top of my hydration w electrolytes on my vaccine day. Lastly, I upped my vitamin intake a notch for the last few days, but nothing crazy (daily multi, vitamin D, vitamin C, cod liver oil, + mag at night).

Who knows? We’re all different. So far, that approach seems to be working for me. #YMMV

Looking ahead, for the next two days I’ve adjusted my workouts to keep them in the Sweet Spot range with moderate intensity (IFs at .8 and .81) and avoiding all-out efforts. If I’m still feeling good this weekend, I might try a short VO2 workout (Gawler -5) to stay in touch with the burn. On Sunday I plan to head outside for a hard 2-3 hour ride.

It’s all new. Fingers crossed.

Good luck y’all! Especially to those still waiting to get a vaccine. I hope you can get one soon.


I’m California and both my wife and I had our second appts automatically scheduled. Hers was at a Curative drive-thru location and mine was at Rite Aid.

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I want to put in a plug for taking care to be well rested and recovered going into your vaccine, and not just afterwards .

My strategy of a 10 hour then 5 hour day leading into my first dose might not have been the best then. The good news was there I had no noticeable reaction to the shot, could have just been a regular day of recovery after a stupid effort. I had a little soreness in the arm, but that was also attributable to checking the strength of a tree earlier in the day.

Hopefully the appointment process is a bit more predictable for dose two.

I take it the tree was plenty strong and was the victor.

Most places do that. Mass vaccination sites in Colorado book your 2nd appointment with your first as do Kroger (King Soopers) and Safeway.

This way they get the follow up as well as allocate the same second dose as supplies ebb and flow.

We have a sample size of 2. My Costco experience and my wife through the WA state program. She has to fight the masses for round 2, while Costco booked me for the 2nd.

That’s crazy that it is done like that. Colorado has done a good job, as compared to other states.

Family in NJ also had the second time slot blocked out when they made their first, including mass vaccination sites.

That is totally wild. As I was searching for my first appointment I noted all sites that offered it here (in MN) were scheduling 2nd appts with the first (drug stores, pharmacies within grocery chains, dept of health run pop-up clinics).

Had Moderna shot 1 last week and really only saw a little arm soreness for a day or two. Like others, interested to see what comes next on 3 weeks.

I’d say both my wife and I had similar experiences and both of us had decent / normal workouts after the first.

We’ve both tentatively blocked our 2nd shot following day from work calendars expecting possible need for extra rest while hoping for the best.

I’ll just add my 2 cents here:

I wasn’t planning on getting any shots, but when the opportunity comes to get it, administered at your work, for free.99, why not?

1st Moderna shot was on Monday at noon. Arm soreness by the end of the day. Woke up Tuesday with a really sore arm, but nothing more. Turned the normal long z2 with sprints into a coffee ride on the mtb just to be on the safe side. Woke up today, arm still sore, and did the planned workout Huxley -4 at full intensity.

My other co-workers who all got the shot the same day felt horrible on Tuesday. Fine today. We all had Covid early summer of last year, for what that’s worth.

I really hope that’s what I have happened with my second Pfizer shot! Just curious what is your age? You don’t have to give me exact even just a range and 37 myself.

I’m 54 and a half. :grin:

Good luck with yours!

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Thanks for the feedback :grinning:

Solid night’s sleep last night and fell like I am back at 100%…still just doing my recovery workouts this week per my plan. Timing was perfect.

As I said earlier, my shingles vaccine reaction was worse than my COVID.


Armpit is sore… And I had trouble sleeping last night. Felt weak on my ride today… Even tho is a recovery week and haven’t done anything big since last week actually… Now my toes hurt… Not sure if related… :frowning:

I take it the tree was plenty strong and was the victor.

Just a cordial reminder of its strength. Seemed like the better option to bump off it than risk a fall the other direction into the river/creek. Think that kind of environment would have been a major immune system shock on its own.