Continuing the 6 week cycle into the build & specialty phases?

I dropped the 4th and 5th weeks in the 8-week LV Short Power Build and General Build plans to get them both to 6-weeks to work with my training plan outline. Just finished the Short Power Build plan and it went fairly well, but I admittedly didn’t get the longer VO2Max interval sessions in due to also being tired from running and swimming - - those sessions could definitely take their toll I imagine, but wouldn’t be too bad if you were purely cycling. I had added an extra endurance ride with short sprints (similar to the MV plan) to the plan each week though which I was able to get in most weeks and I think helped balance the intensity levels for the week better. You could always try a go at a similar modification to 5 weeks on/1 week recovery and see how you react --that’s part of the fun of training :grinning:.

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