Combination of TrainerRoad and Xert

I use both actively. Like i go over planner daily but I also like the 6 week rolling window analysis on TR.

With the data i have my Xert signature is very accurate. Sometimes i adjust MPA, but few races later its back where it was. TR ramp test gives me TP very similar to that derived from Ronnestad type workouts, or a time trial.

A tip: use hour power value or slightly above for TR, TP and FTP are different things and TP might be too high. FTP is an hour power prediction anyway, so it should be a good match.

I use XATA advice and hand pick TR workouts because i really like TR player for Android.

Basic advice is to use whatever workout that matches your selected focus and drains MPA to the desired level. So you can have your headunit alongside displaying focus and time to exhaustion/recovery. This can be used pretty much the same way with whatever app you choose, and outside as well.