Base inside, Build outside

Do you do the FTP test at the end of recovery week? I’m in a recovery week now, either going to do a long TT effort on the weekend or Tuesday next week.

I just want to get an idea of what the drop off from road bike FTP to TT bike is so I can train accordingly, especially as I’ll be doing most of the rides outdoors on the TT bike.

When do you test the other parts of the curve?

If I do an FTP test, I do it on Friday of a recovery week, if I feel good. I don’t really need to do a formal FTP test all that often if I’m maintaining things well.

I test other parts of the curve throughout my training, usually at the start of a workout, do a max sprint, or max 1-min effort. If it’s longer than like 30 min, that’ll be the whole workout. Generally just once a week, though I haven’t tested anything in about a month and need to.

Sorry I meant the TTE test — do you do that on the Friday?

I did a Max 1 min effort on the turbo in October and I was wiped out! Can’t imagine doing a workout after

This season, I’ve done it on Friday during recovery weeks, but 2 out of 4 weren’t terrific tests so I might delay longer in the future depending more on a subjective “feel” and how hard the prior block was.

WRT to the 1 min max effort test (as an example), take as much recovery as you need. An example workout I did: roughly a 5 min MMP test followed by 75min Z2 riding. With sprints or anything under a minute, I can handle SST work after without much issue provided a recovery. If a 1-minute all-out effort wipes you out, that’s something you can train because depending on your style of racing, that could be a real limiter.

Z2 post test makes sense. 1’ test was just out of curiosity — it’s pretty useless for TTs!

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Having finished SSBHV last week, I estimated my FTP went up 5-10w to 335-340 sat up on the TT bike on the turbo or on the road bike outdoors — both are similar in terms of HR, RPE, etc.

As mentioned, I’m now moving onto a 4-week threshold block, so this morning did a Kolie Moore-esque TTE test.

It’s quite hard to do outdoors, but I tried to get comfortable at a certain power and see how long I could hold it. There were a few interruptions — my Garmin shutting down didn’t help! — but I think this shows my TT bike ftp is 315.

I’ll use 315 to as the target power for key workouts as I progress TiZ from 30-40’ to 60-80’ over the next month.

Let’s close the gap :slight_smile:
